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Heavenly was quickly leading the way, Seth had asked multiple times where they were going but never got an answer. This girl was quiet, she never seemed to talk. "Well if it isn't my favorite little cousin, and oh, Seth too!?." Said a voice that was all to familiar to Seth. Heavenly did not so much as turn her head. Seth on the other hand quickly jerked his head backwards and tried to dart away but that proved to no avail. Ronodin had grabbed him. Seth tried to call it but soon felt a cloth being shoved over his nose, and then it all went black.

It took all of Heavenly's might not to turn around, kill Ronodin, and grab Seth but she couldn't yet her plan would fail if she so much as turned her head. 1...2...3 go time. She stopped, and slowly turned around. "Well finally snapped, have we?". Ronodin mocked. "Well, not exactly." She replied with a very murderous look in her eye. To Ronodin flinched but kept his ground. "Oh really, then what exactly did you do?". "Snap you." With that she charged. Ronodin pushed seth's limp body to the side and drew his second horn, it immediately became a sword with a glowing red blade. "Fancy sword." Then she drew her second horn that transformed into an incredible black blade that glowed an unnatural deep shade of purple. Ronodin stared in awe. And she knew it was time. She swung her sword only to be caught in a lock with Ronodin's sword, but she had the better angle. She kicked his knee and he collapsed to the ground. As he swiftly returned to his feet, he was greeted by another swing of her sword, he quickly blocked the blow only to fall to the ground once more, Heavenly's swing was hard enough to knock him down. She placed her knee across his legs and stepped his arm with her other foot. She was holding his arm that the sword, and she positioned her own for the killing blow she started to swing but stopped herself, Ronodin was the key to the fairy realm, they had to go there to save her family. She set down her sword as Ronodin slowly opened one eye, he was expecting to have died. Heavenly yanked his sword from his hand and searched him for any other weapons. She found a small dagger, his first horn, and some blow darts. She kept a hand around his throat and grabbed the cloth he had used on Seth. She quickly gagged him, grabbed a rope from her bag, and tied it around his unconscious body. She then tied the rope to a harness she had brought and went over to Seth. She attempted to wake him but got no response, so she grabbed his arms and draped them over her shoulders she struggled to pull them both but soon arrived at a cave. She entered and continued to attempt to awaken Seth.

*hullo, so I'm kinda in love with this chapter 😅 anyways I thought I would end it here and start another chapter, so uh ya hope you enjoy! Also thanks so much to everyone who has provided such great feed back, an support! I really appreciate it!

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