The way

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Raxtus asked. "Yes, I'm sure". Raxtus refused to tell her where exactly they were going but assured her it was dangerous. She agreed with no hesitation.

Kendra awoke to Raxtus calling her name. When she finally opened her eyes, to her horror she saw the place that appeared in her nightmares every night, and every time she closed her eyes. There it was the place were she killed the demon king, the place her family and everyone she loved, nearly died. It was the entrance to the demon prison. "I told you it was dangerous." Raxtus said sadly. "Yeah, I knew it would be it's just... it's just scary to be back. Now more than ever she wished she had her friends, she had insisted that they go find safety and track down Knox and Tess, so she had come alone with only Raxtus by her side. She really did appreciate him, though. "Well we aren't getting anything done just standing here, are we?" Kendra prompted. "Let's go save the fairy realm.".

*hey! I finally finished chapter four! I know it's a big short but I was a bit low on inspiration, but I've got an idea for chapter five so that will be up soon! Hope you injoy😅

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