Ditzy Pup Type SML (8)

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"I'll be going out for a little while." I popped my head into the kitchen telling Arthur I was leaving for a bit.

"Eh?" He whipped around still holding a bowl and whisk in his hands.

"I'm just going to go clear my head." I really needed some time away from the SML before embarking on another 'bonus' mission.

"Oh, ah I'll come with you. I think I should clear my head too." He rushed to untie his apron after putting the bowl and whisk in the fridge.

"N-no it's really fine I'll be back in 10 minutes or something." I glanced up at the clock watching as it crept closer and closer to the 2 hour mark. There was still half an hour left. So, if I try to talk myself into it for ten minutes, then come back and watch him for another ten there's still ten minutes left.

I feel like giving me a time limit has made me take longer to complete the missions...

"It's stuck." Arthur whined and then turned to face me with wet eyes that were begging me to take him on a walk with me.

"I'll undo it but I'd really like to go on my own." I mumbled as I turned him around with one hand then pulled on the tie a little harder to free it.

"But what if you get injured when you're alone? I'll be really quiet you won't even be able to tell I'm there." He tugged on my uninjured hand as he pleaded for me to let him come.

"...Okay." I muttered, looking away from his face before stomping out of the kitchen. With a huff I sat down on the sofa and waited for him to get ready.

"Wow, those waves are huge." Arthur shouted over the roaring ocean and went running over to the water.

Once we got out of the house he suggested going to the beach because the fresh air there would be good. I wholeheartedly agreed since I'd never been to the beach before.

I looked on in awe at the sight of the seemingly endless body of water and watched as the surface glimmered in the sunlight. Watching in fascination as the waves ran up to the shore and then seemed to shy away.

"Woah, careful." An arm wrapped around my stomach and I was pulled backward just as a huge wave came crashing down.

"D-did you see that?" I whispered breathlessly as I turned to Arthur with wide eyes. "It, it was as big as me!" A huge smile broke out on my face as I looked at the wave falling back into the ocean and then to Arthur who stood there frozen.

After a few minutes of me fangirling over the ocean and Arthur standing there mindlessly he finally spoke up.

"Do that again." He blinked rapidly while patting his chest, seemingly perplexed.

"Huh?" My eyebrow twitched in confusion as I tried to focused my attention on him, but still found my eyes flickering back to the ocean.

I watched as another wave came barrelling in, even bigger than the last one. "Did you see that one? You must have, right? It was even bigger than you." My voice held a tone of wonder as I turned back to the ocean but suddenly found that my view was impaired by the SML's figure. My grin stiffened as I looked up at Arthur.

"Oh." Arthur took a step back from me but my gaze had already been directed to another huge wave coming in. This time it seemed to be travelling a lot faster and it looked way bigger too.

I yanked Arthur back and dashed a little way from the waters edge swivelling my head back to watch the wave come crashing down on the area we were just at. I breathed a sigh of relief at the narrowly missed disaster, after all I had no idea how to swim. I'm sure if I got swept up in that wave I'd be as good as dead.

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