♡ Kidnapped by sensei♡ (4)

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"I-I would like to transfer classes." It had been a week since Mr. Pence had become my form tutor. The overwhelming sense of fear so early in the morning left me feeling ill for the rest of the day and I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but is it okay for you to tell me why?" The head of year, Mrs. Barker, asked with a gentle yet probing smile.

"I d-don't feel comfortable in that form and I'm not fitt-" A knock at the door interrupted me and Mrs. Barker sent an apologetic look as she called for the person to enter.

"Oh, Charlie what are you doing here?" Mr. Pence put on a surprised expression and I would've believed it if not for the sight of his cold, unfeeling eyes.

"Mis-Mister Pence, what, what brings you here?" A chill ran down my spine as he stepped forward. He glanced at the head of year with a questioning look.

"What did Charlie come in here for?" He asked her in a soft voice and when he saw her reluctance he continued. "I'm her form tutor."

"Oh! Well, we were discussing how she was feeling unco-" Feeling as though my life would be in danger if I let her continue I hurriedly interrupted her.

"N-no, can we talk about this privately?" I begged her with my eyes, hoping she would see my signal.

"Isn't it better to discuss with your form tutor? Maybe he could help make you feel more comfortable before we discuss moving you?" She helpfully suggested, and it would make sense, if the source of my discomfort wasn't listening in.

"Moving you?... Yes, why don't we discuss?" He sat beside Mrs. Barker and rhythmically tapped against the wooden desk. The thumping of his fingers seemed to be syncing with my rapidly rising heartbeat.

He slightly raised a brow, nodding towards the seat opposite the two of them and waiting for me to sit.

His eyes seemed to immobilise me and I could feel something wrapping around my body, slowly gripping my neck.

"On sec... ond thought, no need." I choked out, shaking slightly as I forced myself to wade through the room and towards the door.

Then when I finally escaped I slumped down against the wall in the corridor trying to steady my breathing.

Moments later, I heard the door open and shut and I was suddenly lifted up and thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Don't say anything, your freedom is in danger. If you struggle now, he will seriously lock you up. The system warned and my body stiffened in response.

Can't we just switch to a different story? I sobbed fearfully as I watched us approaching the car park.

His affection is too unstable, we can't leave with a negative affection bar. The system informed me as I was placed in the passenger seat and strapped in.

What did I do to deserve this? I complained while feigning death beside him as the car came to life.

"Stop pretending to be dead." There was slight amusement sprinkled in his monotonous voice.

"Why are you doing this?" My eyes shot open and I spoke meekly while looking over his every action. I scanned the surroundings to make sure I was taking mental note of every sign we passed so I would know exactly where we were going.

"Why did you try to move class? Was it because of me?" His eyes reddened slightly and his fingers clenched tightly around the steering wheel.

"... I was just uncomfortable in that classroom." I spoke slowly while trying to read any agitation I might be causing him. My eyes blurred with tears as I recalled the scene from that day. Feeling that, as soon as this drive ended, I would probably meet the same end.

He suddenly slammed the brakes still focusing ahead. "How many times do I have to tell you not to cry?" He all but screamed at me while his hands gripped onto the wheel even tighter.

"N-not crying." I wiped my tears harshly, staring up at the roof of the car as I tried to force them back in.

"... Good." He muttered monotonously, brushing a hand through his black hair.

We sat in silence after the system warned me that it might be better to keep my mouth shut.

His voice cut through the blanketing silence and my eyes refocused on the house in front of us. "We're here." He stepped out of his car and I was reluctant to do the same, until the door on my side suddenly opened and I was led to the house.

I looked around trying to focus on my surroundings and realised I couldn't remember any of the signs on the way here.

Am I dumb?

I shrank back slightly as he pushed me in through the front door.

"Let's talk." He sat across from me crossing one leg over the other. I felt slightly safer knowing there was a table between us and I could avoid him if needed to.

"W-what do we need to talk for?" I asked reluctantly, hoping we could just pass the time in silence.

"July 14th 2004?" He questioned, trying to get a read on me.

System, why is he saying a random date? I asked in a panic after seeing his face become gloomier when I didn't respond.

He furled and unfurled his hand in agitation and then uncrossed his legs, spreading them slightly before leaning forward. With his elbows resting on his thighs he framed his face, looking almost innocent, he spoke again.

"September 5th 2008, January 16th, February 2010." He grew more agitated seeing me sit there motionlessly and I grew more confused and scared listening to him say random dates.

He stood up suddenly and glared down at me, his eyes glinting dangerously.

System, system, system! I think I'm going to be killed. I shrieked trying to get the system to respond.

I stood up abruptly seeing him come over to this side of the table, but before I could even take a step his hands gripped my shoulders and he pushed me back in my seat.

I shrank back into the soft leather sofa trying to distance myself, only for him to lean in further. His legs were on either side of me and his arms caged me in place, meaning I couldn't escape!

I'm gonna die, system where are you? I felt tears filling my eyes but seeing his eyes darkening, I sucked them back in.

"You really don't remember?" He asked me in a low threatening tone.

"... No." I squeaked out while trying to sink deeper into the sofa.

"Hah." He let out a dark chuckle and his grip on my shoulder tightened.

"Ow." I winced slightly at the painful grip on my shoulder and he pulled his hands away quickly.

He sat back across from me his empty gaze staring right through me. I sat stock-still reducing my chances of doing something that would infuriate him.

The rhythmic tapping on the sofa halted and then he stood up and approached me with a clearer gaze.

"W-what-" I stood up and tried to place the sofa between us but was way too slow.

"We'll just have to make new memories." His tone was tinged with instability causing shivers to run down my spine.

Oops, we got the bad ending. The system said apologetically, doing nothing to quell my rising fear.

A/N: Oops 😬

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