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I know this is a quick switch from my post before but I just need to get it out there.

Yes I know this is a lighthearted book and it may not be the right audience to talk to it about, because you're probably not here to get depressed but I just really need to talk about it.

Yes, I'm talking about Palestine you must have seen it on social media. The violence is escalating and innocent people are being killed. And if you guys are not intersted in my long ass essay at least, just check out some accounts on Instagram that can educate you.




I also recommend watching videos by Katie Halper, NormanFinkelstein and Noam Chomsky.

A little bit of background on the issue. Palestine was 'gifted' to the Zionists in hopes that the Jewish people would support Britain in WWI (1), a land which was already occupied people was given away by Britain. Now all would be well and good if it was a peaceful coexistence but it was anything but. First, the huge influx of Jewish people from all over Europe to a small country like Palestine was met with dissidence by the Palestinians (49). Then a Jewish militant group set off a bomb in a hotel killing 91 civillians (50).The importance of this attack is that one of the leaders of this terrorist group became a prime minister of Israel (51). Imagine, just imagine, Osama Bin-Laden becoming leader of the Afghan government and then world-leaders welcoming him. Yeah, you can't imagine it because that would not happen. Its important to keep in mind that it is this Zionist, terrorist mindset that is leading Israel even to this day.

Then came the Nakba (Arabic for disaster or catastrophe) the Zionists almost completely wiped out the Palestinian people and their culture, like 100s of villages worth of people, this is not a small number (2,3). The ethnic cleansing of at least 750,000 Palestinians occurred in just 2 years (57) What do you think people that witnessed it described it as? The Holocaust (3), the very same event that led to millions of Jewish people dying was being re-enacted onto different people by those who had already suffered through it themselves. Imagine becoming exactly what you ran away from but with the added impunity of being victims so people are unwilling to speak out (4). For God's sake there are even guides on how to talk about Palestine and Israel conflict to avoid anti-semitic remarks, I have never seen a guide like that for other conflicts (5,6).

Then there came the two-state solution which after what happened in the Nakba, and every attempt at ethnic cleansing after that, I don't blame the Palestinians for their rejection (7). But also, it's literally their land the Israelis have no claim to it, you can call it anti-Semitic but the Jewish people around the world condemn Israel so are they also anti-Semitic? (8)

Now let's have a little gander about who's been slowly consuming what does not belong to them by encroaching upon land that doesn't belong to them... wow, it's the Israelis who woulda thought (9). Also Judaism literally FORBIDS the Jewish people from owning a land until the arrival of the Messiah.

A simple internet search will show you estimates of how much of Palestine Israel has consumed over the years, and I emphasise estimates because the truth is probably a lot more. The amount of land initially was a 50:50 split but now the area is almost completely taken over due to illegal Israeli settlements (10). And let's not forget companies like General Mills and many other companies like it building upon illegally occupied territory (11).

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