♡ Kidnapped by sensei♡ (2)

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Can you erase my memory? I stared blankly ahead of me, gripping the blanket around me more tightly. The police station was hectic with police officers finally catching the, albeit dead, serial murderer.

According to the system, initially there were around 10 kidnapped kids but they had been... assaulted then murdered in that very room. It seemed the kid and I were the last two.

Are you sure? The system asked to double check and I nodded lifelessly. Okay, I'll do it after your family comes to get you.

I stared at the ground, unmoving, as people hurried to and fro in the station. The phones kept ringing every few minutes and police officers were shouting over each other to talk to the those on the other end of the line.

A warm hand flopped down onto my arm and I turned stiffly towards the little boy sitting beside me.

"You scared?" He leaned in, whispering with wide-eyes. His innocent demeanour was miles away from the one I saw back there.

Say no! I would advise you to say no. If there was anything I would tell you to do, it would be to say no. The system repeated himself, wording it differently everytime, emphasising that this is the only route.

I shook my head answering with a meek 'no', as I tried to ignore the feeling of disgust running rampant in my body.

"Hmm... But why does it look like you're scared of me? Look at me." He gripped my jaw, squeezing my cheeks with his thumb and forefinger as he twisted my head forcefully towards him. "Sad? Why are you sad, didn't I help you?" He leaned over the arm of the chair to get a closer look.

"N-nwot sad." I bit my tongue accidentally, causing my eyes to fill with tears. And, one look at him showed the rage filling his eyes. The system warned me again and again to smile. I forced a shaky smile, pawing at his arm to signal for him to let go of my face.

He dropped his hands and I hesitantly hugged his neck, trying to control the shuddering in my body.

"Fank yew." I mumbled besides his ear, letting tears drip down my face. When he tried to pull away I tightened my grip, afraid of what he would do if he saw me crying.

I fell asleep as the fatigue and fear piled up, only to awaken when I heard a door slam open. A tearful woman rushed inside scanning the area from left to right in a fluster and then her eyes landed on me. A crooked smile grew on her face as she came running towards me.

"Wu, wu... Mama's sorry, I shouldn't have let go of your hand." She pulled me from the boys side and into her arms, crushing me into a hug. "Wu, wu." She sobbed beside my ear and I froze at the unfamiliar touch.

"No cry." I rubbed her back awkwardly but froze when I felt a chill run up my spine. I looked to my left to see the little boy staring at me.

"You're so skinny..." She remarked showing a look of devestation after sorting herself out, and tears threatened to spill yet again. Her eyes landed on the silent boy besides us and she brightened slightly at the sight. "Who is this?"

"F... Fwend." I muttered reluctantly at the system's command, gripping the chair behind me tightly until my fingertips began hurting.

His eyes glinted and the dull blue seemed to brighten, but for only a moment.

"What's your name?" The woman asked gently, but received no response. The little boy ignored her, instead he turned towards me.

"Come here." He reached out to me causing me to flinch slightly, however, he seemed to have noticed my aversion causing his eyes to darken slightly. "Now." His tone was steady but his eyes were wavering.

Go! If you don't go now, I can't guarantee that you'll live in the future. The system warned in a tone filled with pity.

I inched towards him slowly, leaning against the chair for support, and reluctantly put my hand in his. He pulled me closer and looked into my eyes again as he asked me my name.

"Ch... Chawie." I stuttered out, feeling his grip tighten on my hand.

"Good girl." I shuddered hearing his gentle tone and shrank my neck back when he stroked my hair.

"What a nice boy!" The woman cooed while wiping her tears and then picked me up, or at least attempted to. The boy's grip on my hand was unrelenting and I was half dangling from the woman's arms.

"My name is Hal." He muttered and then slowly unfurled his fingers from mine with a look of reluctance.

The woman took me to the police desk and showed ID and proof that she was the mother before we turned to leave.

System, we won't meet again right? I asked him tearfully as I slumped against the woman's shoulder.

... He's the second male lead.

Wu, I don't like these second leads. I buried my face into her shoulder, avoiding the stare of the little boy who was frozen in place.

The next day I woke up to the panicking shrieking of the system.

I-I might've erased too much of your memory. He stuttered anxiously.

Who told you to erase my memory? What did you erase? I sat upright in bed as I listened to the system rushing around.

You did! Do you remember Chen? He asked, trying to figure out the extent of the memory loss.

"Chen?" The name rolled off my tongue naturally but I struggled to figure out what this feeling of familiarity was. He laughed nervously after hearing my response.


"... No." I lay stationary in my bed waiting for the system to respond but he suddenly went silent. The door creaked open, interrupting my thoughts, as an unfamiliar woman stepped inside hesitantly.

Her eyes brightened when she saw that I was awake and she hurried over with a tray of food.

"You're awake!" She placed the tray over my legs and I looked down at the french toast dripping with syrup, topped with berries with a cup of orange juice.

She picked up a forkful of the quartered french toast and moved it towards me with a big smile. "I made your favourite." Her eyes gleamed as she watched me open my mouth.

A/N: Idk if u can see the pattern yet but the SMLs aren't exactly great 😂😂 they might get better later but who knows


Second lead syndromeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora