Ditzy Pup Type SML (4)

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Host you need to find the SML fast! He's about to run into oncoming traffic. The system screamed, shocking me awake in the middle of the night.

Well, I thought it was the night but it turns out I actually just overslept and it was well past lunch time.

"Again? What's with this guy and trying to die all the time?" I tugged at my hair in annoyance while running out the door, only to come back a moment later, realising I had yet again left the door open.

My underwear can't take any more harassment.

Where is he? I asked the system after finally reaching our destination. I can't see him at all. Ahh it feels so good to run!

My eyes finally locked onto the target who was swiftly making his way into oncoming traffic just as the system had warned me.

"Oi!" I yelled as I began running towards him, my eyes darted between him and the car that was steadily approaching his dazed figure.

Oh my god, I'm not gonna make it in time.

If host doesn't make it in time you'll die immediately and never know the ending of that drama. The system threatened in a monotonous voice.

"You f*****." I sped up while yelling my frustrations.

I can't die after seeing the first four minutes of the finale, there were too many questions to be answered. Like who the f*** is this random actor they replaced the male lead with? Did they think we wouldn't notice? How did they end up meeting at the airport? What did that shot of them gazing at each other intensely mean? Were they gonna kiss or break up?

Then I realised I had made a fatal error, at the speed I was going my momentum was too great and instead of stopping like I intended. I barrelled straight into him.

"Urgh." I groaned in pain as I rolled onto the road watching with round eyes as a car from the adjacent lane came hurtling towards me, stopping just before I was flattened by it.

The SML by my side was crying in pain at a bloodied scratch on his elbow while he sat up cradling his dripping arm. When I tried to sit up I felt my right arm go limp as a horrific pain shot through my elbow.

"What's wrong are you okay?" The pain in his eyes cleared up once he recognised me and saw my teary eyed self.

A man in the crowd suddenly ran forward and began inspecting my arm.

"You landed directly on your elbow, it could be fractured." He informed me with a sympathetic look. "We'll have to go the hospital and take an X-ray to figure out the extent of the damage. At the moment all I can do is make a sling with my cardigan to ensure no extra damage can occur. On a scale of 1 to 10 how is your pain? Hey, hey come on don't close your eyes." The man tried to regain my fleeting attention as I felt fatigue suddenly envelop me and the pain became too much.

"That f****** SML." I jerked awake and looked around wide-eyed to see that I was in an awfully familiar setting.

"O-Oh you're awake Miss. Dempsey." A shocked nurse greeted me. She coughed before asking if I was feeling okay and how bad my pain was. She left promptly after jotting down my response and then re-entered with the doctor and a restless Arthur.

I furrowed my brows in confusion as to why he was also here.

"Oh you're the guy from earlier." I recognised the doctor as the man who had came out of the crowd earlier.

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