Teddy bear arc (5)

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"How w-w-would you like your tea?" I shakily placed the tray down on the table. "I've freshly brewed some earl grey tea as you comman- erm, wished for." I bowed my head as I slid his teacup towards him.

"Two sugars." He spoke through his clenched stitches.

"Yes, sir." I saluted and quickly did as he demanded. "Shaken or stirred, hehe." I laughed sheepishly after I received yet another cold look from my lavender heartthrob SML.


Kissing ass even in your thoughts is a bit too much. The system shook his head in disappointment, or it felt like he did at least.

Hehe, I'm scared... You sick f*** give me a decent SML for once.

"What's an SML?" The bear's question went unanswered because the system and I went into a panic.

Ack! B-b-boss! He can hear us.

I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASS-KISSING IN MY THOUGHTS. Ahh, why can he read my thoughts? How long? System we need to leave!

C-can he hear me too?

Say something rude about him. 

I'm scared. Wuwu.


This l-lavender bear is stupid and ugly and his step-mother is hot and a good lady.




You didn't have to underline your silence.

So... rry, I'm just disgusted.

"Why are you disgusted?" The bear asked with a tilt of the head.

"Did you not hear him call your stepmother hot?"

"The f*ck?" The bear's disgust was very much visible but then a thought seemed to dawn on him. "How do you know about that b****?" The bear immediately launched itself across the table and pushed me to the ground. His soft fuzzy paw was currently pressed against my throat as he looked down at me.

"N-no! We agreed to talk from a distance you psycho demon bear." I screamed as I thrashed around.

Ewwww, I can feel the warmth in its bear body.

"Die!" I threw him across the room and watched as it fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.

After a few minutes the bear remained still.

He does not seem to be able to read the system's though- what happened here?

Boss Oh, I mean, I think I killed him. Anyways, how have you been? I haven't heard from you in so long~

I'm fine. I think... he's still alive. No sooner than the boss had spoken the bear stood back up and was now even larger.

I sobbed as he approached me.

"Do that again... I dare yo-"

As you wish, sir! I saluted before kicking him across the room again.

"Kuh." His bear body spluttered blood everywhere as before he dazedly stood up again. This time when he opened his eyes they had changed from those beady button eyes to human eyes with purple irises.

"Guh." I held back the bile that was fighting to climb out of my mouth. "Y-you, what's wrong with you?" I stammered as I once again climbed on my bed and stood in the corner of the room.

Boss, please help me. I begged as the angry-eyed SML crawled his way to the bed.

Hmmm, kick him again. The boss recommended in an interested voice.

Boss~ why are you doing this to me?

Just trust me. He whispered, very much on purpose.

What? Does he think I'm so shameless that just because he whispered in his super attractive, deep and slightly sadistic voice I'd just kick a harmless bear.

"Stop." The bear spluttered as he smashed into the wall for the third time in under 5 minutes.

Whoops, I was that shameless ☆〜(ゝ。∂).

But I quickly regretted the decision I made under duress.

The lips that had bloomed on the bears face dripped with blood. Those very human looking lips which covered those very human teeth were the most disgusting thing I'd seen in my whole life.

I closed my eyes to ground myself and begged that these humanoid features on the perfectly cute bear were just an illusion. When I open my eyes the bear will just be a bear and not a possessed doll that was slowly becoming human.

And would you look at that, the bear was not just a bear. It was a possessed doll, it did have a set of human eyes and a human mouth and it's decrepit features were a mere inches from my face.

Goodbye boss~ I said sweetly as I fell back into my bed with a thud.

Goodb- His wonderful voice was cut off just like my consciousness.

A/N: a super sexy SML that I'm sure you'd all love to have back at home, back in your basements and back in your cages. Merry CHRISTMAS to those who celebrated it cause I'm a day late but woowee this is a fun arc to write. I want Boss he's had like a total of 5 lines or something but he's just ♡ ♡ ♡ it acc snowed in the UK in December well it usually shows up north but it snowed in the south and a lot of it but no white Christmas very sad. Had a big family emergency where my mum almost died so pray for her please🙏🏻 pray for me too just cause and someone hire me for something like whatever you want. You want me to lay around in your house all day I'll do it want me to sit in ur basement all night I'll do it but like lemme out for a bit so I can't get some of that sunlight you want me to stand near you for a little while take me 😇😇  nothing like acc worth money just pay me for it tbh

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