♡ Kidnapped by sensei♡ (3)

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I tied my hair into a low pony, staring at my school uniform with a huge smile. I twirled around a few times gleefully before freezing and wiping the grin off my face.

"Let's not get too excited. I'm an adult. I'm a adult." I struggled to keep the corners of my lips straight as they trembled back into a smile.

My eyes wondered around the classroom with barely held back excitement. But my excitement was quickly overwhelmed by a sense of fear, as my body chilled and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

I turned slowly to see someone standing behind me. My eyes trailed up from the white tucked in shirt to the single button on his black suit jacket. Then further up, following the black tie, the adam's apple bobbing on his throat, the veins leading up to this face.

His pale skin contrasted strongly with his rosy lips, his dark eyelashes fanned across his cheeks and then as he opened his eyes he revealed a set of dull blue irises.

I found myself staring at those eyes feeling a weird sense of familiarity. But there was also a feeling of suffocation, like I was being slowly ensnared.

"Student, what's your name?" His voice had a hint of amusement as he looked at me staring at him with my mouth slightly opened.

"Ch-Charlie." I stuttered out, slightly pulling my chair away from him.

"My name is Hal." He stared carefully at me as he tried to discern something. His eyes narrowed slightly, as if smiling, but his eyes were monotonous, without even a sliver of emotion, as he came to a realisation.

Oh, you're f*****. The system chimed in slowly.

What? Why? I didn't even do anything? I said feeling slightly scared.

He's angry that you've forgotten him again. The system explained as I shuddered in chair uncomfortably.

Why would I remember him? I asked in annoyance.

"Could the class representative please show Mr. Pence around school? He will be replacing your tutor who had a tragic accident a few days ago." Another man who seemed to be a teacher spoke from the front of the classroom.

"Who is the class rep?" A few girls stood up, almost rabidly saying they were the class rep. The teacher sighed before looking around the classroom ultimately his eyes stopped on me. "You. Go show him around." He impatiently ordered me and I slowly stood up whilst trying to hide my reluctance.

He followed me silently for a few minutes before I heard him mutter.

"Huh?" I turned slightly to face him but avoided eye contact.

"You don't remember me?" He asked slowly, stepping toward me. "Weren't we friends?" He leaned down, his forehead almost touching mine as he tried to make eye-contact. My eyes darted about as I took a few steps back to distance myself. Momentarily, I glanced back and saw the approaching wall. I gasped quietly as I turned back around and made eye contact seeing that his face was eerily close.

"F-friends?" I pushed against his shoulders trying to keep him from coming closer but his face still leaned in further. "Y-yes, we were friends!" I kept my gaze fixed on the ground as I pretended to remember him, only to feel my chin being gripped by his rough fingertips.

"You can't remember our time together?" He asked with a tilt of his head as he forced me to look into his eyes.

"I-I can't remember." I scratched at his arm trying to get him to release me.

"Hmm, you're not being a good girl." He gripped my hand tightly with his free hand, squeezing until I winced in pain.

"G-good girl?" I tried to wriggle out of his grip as a feeling of discomfort overcame me.

Good girl. An unfamiliar voice echoed in my head and I tried to pull away from him. He grabbed my shoulders, holding me in place with a chilling grin on his face.

"Remembered it? Oh, don't cry. I really hate it when kids cry." His smile quickly turned into a frown as he roughly wiped my tears away. "It's good to see you, Charlie." His low voice sounded by my ear, his warm breath tickling my neck. "You don't need to show me around, I already know the layout." He looked down at me as I slid to the ground.

W-why is he so scary? I cried to the system but he just laughed it off.

Sometimes the SMLs are good, sometimes they're f***** beyond belief. He offhandedly commented, as if the obviously mentally disturbed psycho SML wasn't worrying in the slightest.

C-can you erase my memory again? I sat there shivering as the memories of the bloodied knife slicing through the corpse replayed again and again in my mind.

I don't think I should, I accidentally erased more than I was supposed to. I can't guarantee that I won't accidentally erase memories of your first life.

Haha, I'd rather forget it anyways. I spat out bitterly as I pulled myself up using the wall. My legs still shaking as I made my way back to my classroom. Do you think that lady will let me move schools? I asked the system hopefully.

B-O-N-U-S misson!

No, don't you dare. I gritted out, interrupting him and hoping he wouldn't continue.

Stay at school for 35 tokens. The system shot off a confetti cannon in celebration of setting my first bonus mission in this world.

All other options lead to death, sorry host! His voice led me to believe that he wasn't sorry at all.

... What happened to that doll from the first world? I questioned as I clenched  my hands, reminiscing about the days a small plush would be choked painfully by me.

Haha, oh haha. Didn't you forget about that? I could've sworn... He stopped abruptly, realising he had given too much away.

... Did you erase more of my memories so I wouldn't remember that doll? I narrowed my eyes in anger, knocking on the door and entering the classroom.

No~ what kind of system would do that to it's host? He drawled out, obviously lying through his teeth.

I'll be telling your boss about this. I threatened with a smile, feeling ecstatic when I listened to his pitiful begging.

Anyway, lemme tell you about something that happened recently. I feel like this is probably the closest to a hate crime I've come. So backstory there's this dude who always drives down our road on a wheelchair -AND BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME I DIDNT DO ANYTHING BAD OKAY- and he normally never crosses the road. I know this not cause I ain't minding my own business, but because my desk is like right in front of the front room window looking out at the road and I always study there so I always see him. Not once in the whole month I saw him did he cross the road. So me and my sister were sitting at the window and I saw a cat, and I love annoying cats because it's how I show affection lolll, so like I scramble to the window and I'm like meow meow, and my sister's just like making random sound effects like krr kah ke, (I'm 22 she's 25 btw) and it crosses over into the opposite houses like 20 foot driveway and I'm like MASHALLAH YOURE SO PRETTY  and just making random sounds like woo kfusjjxn mmahah and my sister joins in like mashallah mashallah. Then the guy comes to like our house and he skrrrts to the other side of the road and I like quickly closed the window. Like oh shot 😭😭😭 we scared the poor guy by acting like nutjobs. That's my TEDTalk about why you shouldn't harass cats because it could come across as harassing people of the public crossing your premises *bows*

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