#1 Go Big or Go Home

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Tom entered his house, he had just made it home from school, he was sweating both from running but mostly from the pressure in his stomach. 

He hurried up the stairs, on every step he could feel the pressure. 'Almost there' he thought. Neither his mom or his brother was home, a perfect time to enjoy one of his favorite things, diapers. He closed the door to his room behind him, went over to his bed. Under his bed he had an unmarked box containing his entire diaper stash. He squatted down to pull out the box and grab a diaper, as he did he could feel the poop trying to push its way out. A big fart got out and to stop the worst from happening Tom put his hand over his butt in a panic.

He quickly grabbed a diaper, a drynite. He didnt really need to pee so a drynite would be perfect, it would probably contain the massive load he was about to release. He threw his pants and underwear on the floor. Quickly putting on the diaper before letting out another big fart, it was a bit wet this time.

He got onto his bed and got ready for action. He grabbed his phone and started a Youtube video. He got into a comfortable position and for the last time his stomach cramped and his bowels screamed. He was about to go whether or not he wanted to soon. He got ready, took a deep breath and pushed...

Instantly his diaper was filled with hot messy poop, big thick and hot logs continued to flow into his diaper as his pushed harder. He finally pushed as hard as he could, a massive poopy fart let rip and the last massive logs shot out into his diaper. 

Tom was breathing heavily, he was in a state of shock but also a state of euphoria, he didnt expect it to be this much. Because the diaper contained the entire mess he started to feel his diaper and push a bit on the fabric pressing the warm poop against his skin. He was so freaking turned on. He had prepared for this moment for several days, his mom was working late and his little brother Peter was at a sleepover at a friends house. He ate alot of fast food both the night before and ate a really big breakfast hoping this would get the system going, and it really did.

He grabbed his phone and opened Snapchat, he took a picture of his very filled diaper and sent it to his friend ben. Tom and Ben have been friends for a few years, but they only recently found out about there shared love of diapers, Ben is in the same class as Tom, and they sometimes hang out after school, especially if one of their houses are empty, because then they can play in diapers.

Tom got out a bigger diaper and taped it up over the poop filled pullup he was now wearing, he went over to his gaming corner and slowly sat down in his chair. As he got further and further down he could feel the hot poop spread all around his butt and penis, this felt amazing. He played a few games with his friends before changing out of the diaper and getting a shower. When he got out of the shower he saw the snap response from Ben, he was jealous of Tom and wished he was diapered at that moment too.

Tom was already looking forward to his next adventure.

Tom Millers Diapers #3171Where stories live. Discover now