Chapter 38:

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Author's POV---------------

The ride is finally going to reach its peak. It raised to the peak in a blink of an eyes. Everyone were screaming and hold onto each other. Without realizing it,Wang Yibo held hands with the person he never imagined he will hold with. But,he still didn't realize it. He was too focused with screaming same goes as Xiao Zhan who unconsciously hold tight Yibo's hand. All of them were scared when its reached the peak. Not caring whose hands or who they hold onto.

Their hearts felt like it gonna jump out as they screamed on top of their lungs. Excitement and fear both filled themselves. Slowly,the ride ended. Making everyone realized who they hold onto to. Xiao Zhan and Yibo's jaws dropped looking at their hands. Their eyes widened. Silence filled them. They were holding hands tightly,like they won't ever released it. As if their lives depended on it. Realizing it,both of them flustered and immediately break off the grip.

They quickly unbuckled their seatbelt when allowed. Xiao Zhan's eyes wandered everywhere while Yibo quickly get away from him. THAT WAS SO AWKWARD! GYA!! BOTH, YIBO AND XIAO ZHAN FELT LIKE THEY WANTED TO JUMP OFF A BUILDING OR DIG A SUPER DEEP HOLE AND BURY THEMSELVES IN IT!!

This was supposed to be fun but it turned out to be awkward!! While everyone were chatting about the ride,Yibo and Xiao Zhan were busy feeling embarrassed, thinking how they held each other's hands like their lives depended on it.

"Why did I hold hands with him?! Of all people?!!"Yibo thought as he licked his lips nervously.

"I hold his hands as if my life depended on it! How embarrassing!!"Xiao Zhan thought as he covered his mouth with his arm,feeling embarrassed to the utmost.

After getting over his embarrassed feelings,Xiao Zhan coughed a little. He chuckled nervously,his heart still beated fast. He quickly calmed down his heart and said;"Let's go eat ice cream!! And after that we'll enjoy getting inside haunted house! Yay!"Xiao Zhan cheered as he lead his students to the ice cream stall.

They cheered and followed Xiao Zhan like little chicks who followed their parent.

Yibo's jaw dropped. The embarrassed feelings were all over him that he forgot about the haunted house!!! Jiyang snickered seeing how Yibo's face went pale and he froze.

"I really can't wait~I'm gonna stick close to him when we entered haunted house." Jiyang thought in his head as he followed the other cheerfully. Yibo sweated. "I regretted coming here." He thought in his head. Yibo followed Bowen from behind like a robot,worried how it will be inside the haunted house.

Xiao Zhan's students has got their ice creams and Xiao Zhan is now broke. He looked at his wallet and cried silently in his heart though his face showed a smile. "I'm all broke now.. TT Who could've thought these kids will choose such a pricey ice cream?"He thought in his mind. "But,never mind.  Nothing's wrong with buying them ice cream sometimes. Gladly I still have my credit card."He mumbled as he continued eating his ice cream as well. "The ice cream is really good! I chose the right stall eh?"He said as his face brightened. He might be an adult but that doesn't mean he don't like ice cream!

With a tempting ice cream melting in front of him,Yibo still looks as if he wanted to die rather than excited seeing the ice cream. His face is as white as a sheet,his eyes looks rather empty. Zanjin stared at him. He glanced at Yibo and the ice cream. "Yibo. Eat your ice cream. It's melting away."HaoXuan bluntly said. Yibo looked at HaoXuan without any interest and looked at his ice cream. He sighed and felt like he wanted to cry. Yibo started to eat his ice cream,hoping that it'll cheer him up.

The ice cream was delicious and it really did cheer him up bit by bit. But the worries he have in his heart didn't fade away either. Yibo cried out as he eat his ice cream. "I don't wanna go inside...."He cried out. Zanjin,Bowen,HaoXuan and Jiyang looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"Just let him be."They thought in their minds,couldn't care more about their friend here who's shivering. Various images of various kinds of ghosts appeared inside his head.

I really regretted coming here after all...

To be continued...

Thank you for reading!! Please stay safe and healthy!! ❤️❤️ few readers were hoping for some scenes of YiZhan clinging onto each other -w- was that counted as clinging as they hold each other's hands so tight? I hope you're satisfied with our Flustered Yizhan and their hands hold ^_^NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE ABOUT HAUNTED HOUSE!! XIAO ZHAN AND HIS STUDENTS IN HAUNTED HOUSE!

Annoying!(Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan) (On Hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum