Chapter 21:

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Author's POV------------


Wang Yibo stared at the chocolates and then his lips moved a little,forming a small smile. "So few... I ran all the way yesterday... But... It's enough for now."He mumbled as he unwrapped the chocolate and threw it into his mouth. The chocolate really melted him.



For the hundredth times today,Yibo stared back at the chocolate on his palm.

He's facing a problem.

A really big problem.

He's sweating as he stared at his palm.

His chocolate...


Yibo really wants to yell to his childhood friends who sneakily stole his chocolates while he's distracted! 


Yibo was talking to Bowen who's on his left. They talked about some assignment,which distracted Yibo. The palm of his hand was open. His friends on his right saw that sparkling wrapped balls on his palm. They glanced at Yibo and saw he was distracted and sneakily stole three chocolates. When Yibo looked back at his palm,he realized there's only three left. His eyes widened in horror as he glared at his friends. His jaw dropped when he saw his friends enjoying HIS chocolates.

End of the flashback...

And thus even now,he still didn't talk to his friends,sulking and angry to this extend. He walked towards the canteen dejectedly. His sighs once again are endless.


From afar Xiao Zhan could see how dejected Yibo looks. "..."

After considering,he decided to follow after that student of his who's never liked him. Xiao Zhan sneakily followed after Yibo,hiding behind something every time Yibo turned. Yibo seems to have noticed that someone has been following after him. But he's not that certain yet. Just who would follow him so obviously?


Yibo just continued to walk,thinking maybe he's over thinking. But, he could still heard footsteps following after him from a certain distance. Wang Yibo started to feel uncomfortable about this. He frowned and huffed. Why are there still stalkers these day?

Wang Yibo acknowledged that he's handsome but who'll like it if someone followed after them like a stalker? Of course he'll feel uncomfortable and not at ease.

After seconds of thinking,Yibo stopped. Xiao Zhan who's following after him halted,his hands up. His eyes widened. He exhaled sharply,obviously shocked. Few seconds passed and Yibo whipped his head around. As he whipped his head around he saw a shadow that's quickly hid behind the empty space between two walls.

He narrowed his eyes,staring at the said gap of walls. He lightly walks to the wall,sticking his body to the wall so the other won't notice. He walked as slowly and as soundless as he could,hoping to catch the stalker. When he's there,he slowly peeked a little and popped his head in the gap between the two walls.

What he met there surprised him.

In front of his eyes,no. His face. A handsome face that's as shocked as his appeared. Their eyes widened, Their breathing stopped, Their eyes are locked together as some blushes slowly appeared on both of their cheeks.

After a minute,Yibo who quickly realized it,backed away a little and at the same time pushes Xiao Zhan back a bit.

They both looked at each other with a shocked and flushed face. "Z-Zhan laoshi!" Yibo questioned. He stared at the frozen Xiao Zhan and an idea suddenly appeared. "W-what are y-you doing h-here?! C-could it be... you're the one who stalk me?!!"He stuttered.

Xiao Zhan who finally get his senses back chuckled nervously.

To Be Continued...

Thank you for reading! Please stay safe and healthy!!

Annoying!(Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan) (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora