Chapter 44:

978 60 14

Author's POV--------

The cup was spinning around and around. Yibo is starting to get dizzy while Xiao Zhan is there,enjoying himself, his laughter never stop.

"Just how much energy does he have? I swear i'm regretting letting him pull me. Is he getting revenge on me or something?" Yibo cried out in his heart.

"Zhan laoshi!! Stop spinning it already!!"Yibo cried out. Xiao Zhan laughed and said;  "What?!" In a loud voice and since he can barely hear what Yibo said, he keep spinning the cup. Yibo is getting dizzier by minutes,he keep cursing and praying that this would just stop.


Yibo panted heavily as the ride come to its end. Xiao Zhan on the other hand looks like he enjoyed the ride so much, his face is beaming. He excitedly turn to look at Yibo, thinking he'll see that rebellious student of him with a smile on his face. But, he put his expectation too high,Yibo have zero energy and looks so tired after the ride.

Xiao Zhan tilted his head to the side, confused. He asked, "is the ride not fun,Yibo?" Because of how exhausted Yibo is from the ride, he decided to ignore Xiao Zhan and step out from the ride when he was allowed to. Xiao Zhan followed after Yibo closely and keep asking, "Is it not fun?" Yibo keep ignoring him as he sat on one of the bench,exhausted. Xiao Zhan frowned, "hm... I guess you don't like the ride..." He said, pouting a bit.

Yibo ignored Xiao Zhan as he took out his phone and messaged his friends where they are. While messaging his friends, suddenly an ice cream appeared in front of his face. Yibo looked up and saw Xiao Zhan holding two ice creams. "Here you go! You seems like you're exhausted. Here, as a thanks for accompanying me riding that." He said, smiling. Yibo frowned, but still took the ice cream. "Thanks." Xiao Zhan chuckled, "You're okay with vanilla right?" He asked and got a nod as respond.

The two sat in silence as they eat the ice cream. It was peaceful until, Xiao Zhan decided to open his mouth.  Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo and said, "Yibo, do you hate me that much?" Yibo who was enjoying his ice cream turned his head to look at him. He stare at him and said, "You're just annoying.."and continue eating his ice cream. Xiao Zhan frowned, "so do you hate me or not?"

Yibo stay quiet and keep eating his ice cream, deciding that he don't want to answer anymore questions. Xiao Zhan frowned,obviously don't like it when he's being ignored like that. Xiao Zhan shook Yibo's arm, demanding answer from his question.

Yibo glanced at him,still refusing to answer his question. Frustrated by how he's treated, Xiao Zhan crossed his arms and said, "I won't be making sweets for you anymore." Yibo's jaw dropped as he turn to look at Xiao Zhan. "That's unfair."he exclaimed, looking at how Yibo reacted, Xiao Zhan snickered and said "Then you answer my question first. I will make sweets for you if you do. Answer me. Do you really hate me?"Xiao Zhan stared at Yibo with hopeful eyes.

Yibo sighed and look to the front again. "I don't particularly hate you. I just find you annoying." He said bluntly,Xiao Zhan gasped. "Woahhh you think only you feel like that?  I feel like you're the most annoying student I've ever met in my life!"He exclaimed with lots of expressions. Hearing his tone and seeing his reactions,Yibo couldn't help but chuckles.

"Zhan laoshi,although you're older than me, you're really childish huh?"Yibo said, laughing a little. Xiao Zhan gasped and stood up, "hey! Have some respect for me,you brat." Xiao Zhan said as he flicked Yibo's forehead. Yibo's jaw dropped and he stood up to face Xiao Zhan. "Hey! What teacher went and flick someone's forehead?! And why did you went and call me brat again?!"He said, but he doesn't look intimidating enough as he's shorter than Xiao Zhan by few inches. Xiao Zhan put his hands on his hips and lean forward a bit. "Me!"

Yibo narrowed his eyes,"what a childish professor you are!"he exclaimed. Xiao Zhan puffed his cheeks, "Well someone who's scared of haunted house and was clinging onto me so tightly don't have rights to said that!"He said as he lean back and crossed his arms, frustrated. Yibo started to get flustered as he glared at Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan who realized he spoke too much started to panic but he still try to play it cool. "I'm correct though."he said,clearing his throat.

Yibo glared him and look at him up and down. Xiao Zhan who sensed that something is wrong,feels that it's not good to stay here. "Ahem. Well... I'm gonna go to my brothers."he said as he started to walk away slowly. Yibo glared at him as he too begun to walk, following Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan laughed nervously as he started to run.

"Stop right there, Xiao Zhan!"

And the chasing between the rebellious student and his professor in amusement park started.

To be continue...

Hello everyone!! Thank you for reading!! Please stay safe and healthy!! I'm currently on my last year of high school, it's been very busy for me. I'm sorry for the updates TT my stories will be put on hold for the time being TT thank you for everyone's support!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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