Chapter 2

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(Lucy's vision magic)

Lucy was leaning on the tree resting herself after training. She was looking at the sky thinking of something. While she was looking at the sky, her vision had appear before disappeared fastly. Lucy's eyes were widen before she quickly call Himeko to transform herself which make Himeko nodded her head without asking anything. They were going to Land of Fire Bounty Station where Asuma fighting against Hidan from Akatsuki. She can't let anything happen to Asuma because Kurenai had pregnant of his child anyway.

As Hidan sits outside one of the bounty stations, he turns around to greet what he thought was Kakuzu, but turns out to be none other than Asuma. He recognises the Twelve Guardian Ninja sash Asuma wears; as Asuma attempts to attack him, Hidan attempts to move out of the way, but is frozen in place by Shikamaru's Shadow Sewing Technique. Izumo and Kotetsu then rush at Hidan and impale him in his vital spots, but are surprised to see Hidan is still alive. Hidan confirms that he is immortal, and that they messed up their play by attempting to kill someone who happened to be unkillable. Just then, Kakuzu comes from behind, attempting to strike Shikamaru; Shikamaru dodges, but in doing so is forced to release Hidan.

Kakuzu recognises Asuma as someone who has a bounty on his head and praises Hidan for catching him, but Hidan tells Kakuzu to stay out of the fight, wanting to use the other three for his Jashin rituals. Using his blood to draw a diagram on the ground, he prepares to attack Asuma with his Triple-Bladed Scythe. Asuma offers to attack Hidan while the others back him up, with Shikamaru providing support with his Shadow Sewing Technique. Shikamaru remarks how Asuma is not the one to make a sacrificial play, and remembers the day Asuma taught him how to play shōgi, and how he had beat Asuma using a sacrificial move known as the Climbing Silver. Shikamaru asks Asuma if he is intending to use that same strategy, but Asuma comforts him by telling him that he does not intent to sacrifice his life.

Using his chakra blades, Asuma engages in a fight with Hidan, who not only has to dodge Asuma but has to evade being caught by Shikamaru's shadows. Hidan attempts to use his scythe to kill Shikamaru, Izumo and Kotetsu, but the attack is blocked by Asuma's Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder, which is the ultimate technique of the Fire Temple and a specialty of Chiriku's. Although Asuma saved his teammates' lives, Hidan manages to use his scythe to cut Asuma's cheek. Asuma uses his Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning technique to spew a stream of chakra-infused gunpowder to engulf Hidan, but the immortal Akatsuki member calmly walks to the centre of his Jashin diagram and ingests the blood he had nicked from Asuma.

Asuma's Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning seems to incinerate Hidan, but the team is shocked to find out that Asuma had been burned as well. As Asuma rushes towards Hidan with his chakra blades, Hidan uses his Retractable Spear to stab himself in the leg; the same injury appears on Asuma's leg as well, and he collapses. Hidan attempts to stab himself in the heart in order to finish off Asuma, but Shikamaru manages to stop him in the nick of time with his Shadow–Neck Binding Technique. Knowing that he does not have much time to restrain Hidan and cannot completely trust Kakuzu to stay out of the fight, he attempts to analyse Hidan and formulate a defensive strategy.

Taking in Hidan's remarks about gods, ritual, curses and preparations, as well as recalling that Hidan did not even try to dodge Asuma's attack after licking Asuma's blood off his Triple-Bladed Scythe and instead had walked towards his Jashin diagram, Shikamaru cleverly deduces that Hidan can only link his body with his opponents after ingesting their blood and that his curse only works while he is standing in his circle. Using his Shadow Imitation Technique along with his Shadow-Neck Binding, Shikamaru manages to force Hidan out of his circle; Kakuzu finds Shikamaru both impressive and clever for having figured out the inner workings behind Hidan's curse jutsu.

After forcing Hidan out, Asuma decides to test his theory by throwing a shuriken at Hidan's ear; it manages to tear off a portion of Hidan's but the damage is not reflected on Asuma's ear. Realising Shikamaru's deduction and theories were correct, Asuma limps towards Hidan. Hidan, trapped in place, asks Kakuzu to step in and save him, but Kakuzu merely states that Hidan had done this to himself by being careless. Asuma then uses his Chakra Blade: Straight Line to decapitate Hidan.

Despite being decapitated, Hidan avoids death due to his immortality. He asks his partner Kakuzu for help, who subdues Asuma by landing on his back. Kakuzu uses his Earth Grudge Fear ability to sew Hidan's head back to his body, restoring his partner. Shikamaru is at the end of his limit, having had cancelled his Shadow Sewing Technique shortly after Hidan's decapitation. Izumo uses his Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field while Kotetsu uses his Conch Shell Mace.

Although Kakuzu avoids being hit by the mace, he ends up being stuck by the Starch Syrup. Using his special ability, he unwinds his hands and uses them to keep Izumo and Kotetsu in a death grip. Hidan, now restored, draws his Jashin circle and attempts to finish off Asuma. Asuma, however, attacks back with his chakra blades, but misses; Hidan, however, manages to slice Asuma with his Retractable Spear. Hidan then pulls his Triple-Bladed Scythe and attempts to impale Asuma from behind, but misses when Shikamaru manages to warn Asuma in time. The scythe ends up embedding itself within Hidan, but as Hidan had ingested Asuma's blood and was in his Jashin circle, Asuma is wounded too.

Before Hidan can finish him off, Lucy was come fastly quickly use her powerful magic to cancel his jutsu. Hidan was shock that his jutsu had been cut off by Lucy. Lucy then quickly ask Himeko to take Asuma away from Hidan which she obey her. Lucy then change herself use her sun form. She then blow a fire toward Hidan make him scream in pain. Kakuzu who know of Lucy's strength quickly save Hidan and retreat theirself. Lucy was sigh in relief before looking at Asuma. He seems have a bad injured so she need to heal him anyway.

Asuma had look at Lucy who had heal him. He can't believe that Lucy was come here to save him from Hidan. Not only Asuma, Shikamaru also shock to see Lucy. Aoba, Raidō, Chōji and Ino were come to save Asuma which he did. They were shock to see Lucy. Ino was snap out of her shock quickly going over Asuma and heal him. Lucy was retreat herself since Ino here. Before she leave, Shikamaru had stop her which Lucy look at him through her shoulder.

"Lucy, why you save Asuma-sensei? You had betray Konoha but you save Asuma-sensei. Why, Lucy?" Ask Shikamaru in sad tone. Lucy was sigh knowing that Shikamaru will ask her. "I'm sorry, Shikamaru. I'm afraid that I can't tell you why but I did it for responsibility. I just can't let Asuma-sensei died without knowing Kurenai-sensei pregnant. I don't want to see his child had grown up without his father. I'm sorry. If you want to know a reason why I leave the village for Sasuke, you can ask Tsunade-sama. She know why I leave for Sasuke. I have to go right now. See you again, Shikamaru...Ino... Choji... Asuma-sensei..." Said Lucy before she leaves with Himeko.

Shikamaru was stunned to heard about what Lucy told him. Ino was already heal Asuma had stand up next to Shikamaru. "Hey, Shikamaru. Do you think what Lucy tell is a truth? Tsunade know a reason why she left with Sasuke? Should we ask Tsunade-sama, Shikamaru?" Said Ino with a concern face. Shikamaru had look at Ino before he sigh quietly. "Yeah, I guess so. We need to ask Tsunade about Lucy. I have a feeling that they hide something. Something that might hurting us, Ino." Said Shikamaru before he look at the sky. He was really have a feeling about Lucy anyway.

'Lucy, what are you hiding from us? I hope that won't be so much trouble on you. If you do, I will do something.' - Shikamaru

Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's resolution (Book two) (Sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now