Chapter 1

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Yamato finds Sai's Bingo Book and explains to Naruto and Sakura that Sai must have assassinated all of the people in the book with an "X" on their faces; they find a photo of Sasuke and Lucy inside the book, and Yamato tells them that Sai's true mission was not to be the liaison between Orochimaru and Danzō, but to kill Sasuke and Lucy. Yamato explains that Danzō does not want to destroy Konoha, but instead wishes to protect it, and considering Sasuke and Lucy were a threat, since Sasuke is to be Orochimaru's future host body while Lucy was Orochimaru's slave, a necessity to eliminate. Naruto refuses to believe Sai would kill Sasuke and Lucy, citing Sai's genuine smile when he finished his picture book. However, Sakura recalls Sai telling her (after she had flashed him a smile and punched him) that he found another use for a genuine smile and believed that a smile could diffuse a situation. The trio then set off in order to find Sai, and by extension, Sasuke and Lucy.

Lucy had a vision was get ready. She was waiting outside the hideout where she can meet her former friend. Even so, she was hide herself to watch them. Sai locates Sasuke's room and sends in three ink snakes. But he failed to find Lucy. However, Sasuke wakes up, having sensed his presence. Sai explains that he was sent by Danzō to kill him and Lucy, but is now here to protect the bond he shares with Naruto and bring him and Lucy back to Konoha. Sasuke is irritated that he was awakened from his rest due to a bond, and Sai decides to restrain him with his snakes. Sasuke breaks free, and causes an explosion that destroys a portion of the base. Yamato senses Sai's chakra and the trio set off, running down hallways until they see light at the end.

Sakura spots Sai and runs down the hallway, exiting through the make shift hole. She yanks Sai and prepares to assault him for his true mission until Sasuke calls out her name, freezing her in her place. Recognising the voice, she looks up to see Sasuke. Naruto, who hears Sasuke's voice, also coming running out. Sasuke is surprised to see Naruto and asks whether Kakashi had also tagged along. Yamato tells him that he is replacing Kakashi as the leader of Team Kakashi and that they are here to escort him back to Konoha. Sasuke scoffs at the mention of "Team Kakashi" and realises that Sai is his replacement, calling him weak. Sai pulls out his sword, prompting Sakura to attempt to stop him, but Sai tells them that while his true mission was to kill Sasuke and Lucy, he is done following orders and will now begin to think for himself, thanks to Naruto.

On top of that, while he himself does not understand their bond, he acknowledges that Naruto and Sakura would do anything to preserve that bond and that Sasuke should be able to understand it. Sasuke tells him that he did understand and acknowledge the bond, hence why he severed it. He recalls losing to Itachi when he was attempting to protect Naruto, and tells them that the only bond he has is with his brother Itachi, and that it is a bond of hatred. Lucy who heard of what Sasuke saying was feel upset because she know why Itachi doing at Uchiha's clan anyway.

Naruto and Sasuke recall their their last battle, and Naruto wonders why Sasuke did not kill him since he wishes to sever their friendship so badly. Sasuke states that he did not kill Naruto because he did not want to obtain power the way Itachi did, as Itachi had told him to kill his best friend in order to awaken his Mangekyō Sharingan. When Naruto claims he does not understand, Sasuke retorts that he does need to explain himself, and uses his immensely fast speed to appear in front of Naruto on the ground. He asks Naruto whether it his still his dream to be Hokage, and tells him that his years spend chasing after him would have been better spent had he trained instead. Naruto muses that he cannot be Hokage if he could not even manage to save his friend. 

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