Question 18 💗

124 8 2

Avans POV

1.5 years
18 months
547 days
788400 minuets
47304051 seconds
We have officially been a part of the Nickelodeon family. It's a special day. I have the amazing people behind the scenes, my best friends now for life, and the girl I've been falling for for the last 18 months sat right here beside me laying on my lap.

The only bad thing is I've been watching dan over the last couple weeks and I may have been reading this wrong but he was being weirdly close to liz Ari and Vic. There have been rumours circling for years now about Dans creepy attention towards the girls on his show, but when I joined Nickelodeon I totally disregarded them because he seemed like a genuinely nice guy. Earlier today liz and ari we're laying on the floor and Dan came over and started filming. They just looked so uncomfortable and Liz looked almost scared. I just wanna check that she's alright. I headed over to hair and makeup where liz was.
"Hey liz?" I half shouted across the room
She turned to look at me with her big blue eyes that will seriously be the death of me.
"Once you're done here can you meet me in my dressing room?"
"Yeah sure" she smiled
I headed off to my dressing room to chill until liz came to find me.

Liz's POV

"So lizzy lizzy" liv our makeup artist said as I sat down "I heard you had a little moment snuggling with one of the boys." She winked
"Ariiiii!" I turned to look at her as she came walking over
"Sorryyyyy. She asked me if I had anything exciting to tell her because she was bored. I couldn't not"

I didn't realise that I was smiling until liz broke me out of my trance
*click click*
"Hello earth to liz" liv said as she clicked her fingers Infront of my face.
"Huh" I said now all flustered after thinking about that.
"You're done" she repeated.
I got up out the chair and walked with ari out the makeup room.
"Thinking about a certain 18 year old boy were we" ari mocked.
I stuck my middle finger up at her as I walked into Avans dressing room. From what I can work out, Avan remembers nothing of that night. The next morning he was the same old chilled Avan.

"Hey" I said as I walked into the room
"Hey liz" avan said turning to face me
"You wanted to talk?" I smiled
"Yeah um...look, I've been going over and over in my head how to ask you about what happened earlier bu-"
"I think you just did" I sadly chuckled. "I don't know. It just uncomfortable. Like he was constantly watching and staring. I don't wanna think bout it anymore."
Luckily for me avan nodded in understanding. He then suggested we did a question to take my mind off of it

"What is your most terrible memory...huh, that's a jolly question" avan rolled his eyes.
"Mines probably about 30 minuets before I went on stage for the first time in Broadway, I was so confident up until about an hour before. We did one last run through of songs aaaaand I forgot everything. I was so scared that it almost lead to a panic attack. Luckily I was able to calm myself before I went on stage"
"Damn that's rough...mine was most definitely my 2nd grade recital. I threw up...down my recorder" he smiled
That damn smile

I just laughed along with him and he bit his lip...fuck me. He's hot as hell. My cheeks turned pink and he came and say next to me pulling me in and kissing my temple. I looked up and smiled at him before laying my head in his shoulder...i don't know how much longer I can keep this a secret



Heyyyy. So I'm kinda back. Idk when updates will be up but it'll be very sporadic 😂 and I still have no ideas for this book so that's fun 😚

Anyways imma love you and leave you

- M xx

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