Question 20 💗

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Liz's POV:
Av and I were sat at my house as we had a down week this week. A down week is a week with no work because in order to keep us all well and healthy, when someone is ill or has any issues they have to give us a week off.
Another thing that I'm yet to tell Avan is that yesterday whilst he was with his family, I headed to the doctors with my mom because every day round the same time for about 3 weeks now my temperature would peak to about 101 degrees F and I would go super dizzy. To be honest I don't really think I'm gonna tell Avan because after my little day time trip to the doctors I discovered that it's in fact clinical exhaustion...if I tell him he'll just worry and then be walking on egg shells around me.

"Hey, you okay?" Avans voice bought me from my thoughts.
"You seemed deep in thought"
"Yeah...I was just thinking that we should do another question" I lied...luckily were actors so it's not that difficult
"Okay sure...what does friendship mean to you?"
"Seriously? That's the question?" I asked
Avan just nodded clearly amused by the confused look on my face.
"Umm...I don't know. I guess it's important. If I didn't have friends life would get pretty boring..."
"Yeah" Avan agreed. "Imagine if we didn't have anyone but family. It would drive me crazy..."

"Avan I need to tell you something..."
"What's up?"
"This down week wasn't down to ari being sick...she wasn't sick, it was me. I went to the doctors yesterday with my mom and that said I had clinical exhaustion..."
"And you're still up and moving doing work outs and acting as if everything is fine..." Avan questioned clearly not wanting an answer as he carries on before I had the chance to answer. "What are you doing Liz? I thought you'd do anything to get back into acting..."

I thought about it for a while, and though the answer that came into my head wasn't one that I was proud of, I knew it was honest.

"You know, before...getting sick was like my worst nightmare..."
"It's normal to be scared"
"No see that's the thing...I go through days where no one yells at me, where I'm trying as hard as I can but still never feeling good're not supposed to say it but, I like being injured. I like having a-"
"Life...I like not acting" I added
"You wouldn't say that if it was forever..." Avan stated
"How do you know?"
"...Because I know you" Avan smiled "you're Liz. Bubbly, feisty, talented Liz...I get needing a break but you know just as well as anyone that you couldn't bare not acting after a while..."



Welcome back to episode 2 of me not being able to write shitty chapters for my story because it's past midnight :))) also if you got the dance academy reference in this I will respect you forever :))) aaaaaand sorry about all the text and lack of answering the question and the short chapter.


- M xx

The 36 questions : an elavan story ♥️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz