-Chapter 15-

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Jason's POV

"I love you Dad." says me.

"I'm sorry for My fault, i kinda missed you a lot in here." He said.

"Oh Thank God this kind of situation is really happening."

We both are happy and laughed to each other.

*Beep Beep*

"Ahhh finally my Chocolate cake is ready, i've been waiting for so long." My boyfriend said.

He's running away to the kitchen and opened up the microwave by himself but then we heard...


I ran to the kitchen and it's really adorably moment when Scott is sucking his finger tips. Then i giggled after i seen him.

"Oh My Dear, it's still hot though, let me help you with the cake, and Jason..."

"Yes mom?"

"Take something for Scott's finger tips."

"No no, it's really cute though hihi." i continued my giggle.

Scott's eyes pointed on my eyes and it could say that he might get me not survive for tonight.

I gulped on my own and put silly face. Whilst Mom and Dad rolled their eyes.

    ========== 30 Minutes Before ==========

I'm so scared when i saw my dad is in my house now, i thought he would be outside at work or somewhere when mom actually invited us to come.

Thankfully Scott defends me from him, and he actually in front of me whilst my dad is walking to us.

"I said stop right there and don't even close to us. Your wife invited us to come here." Says Scott.

My dad wasn't pay attention but he handed his hand. I thinked he might slap or hit Scott.


What i saw.

Makes me shocked.

My Dad smiled and hug Scott and took my hand.

I cried and Scott just shocked.

"Hey hey, don't cry you both little fairies. I've heard a lot everything about you both and none of them is negativities, and now i'm sure, Scott could safe my son and be a good person to my family."

"Where were you Dad?, i missed someone as Dad in my life." I sobbed and really panted on my chest.

Scott just stay quiet and be cool for some minutes.

"Thanks Dave." says Scott.

"No, Thank you Scott." My Dad replied.

"Umm, so What are we waiting for. I'm hungry and i can smell the chocolate cake from here." Scott continued.

"Hahaha, yeahh come inside, The Mom is waiting for you both since hours."

Today is the best experience of my life. My Dad finally accepted me and Scott to be a couple and accepted every aspect of around us.


*Back to the real time*

After My parents rolled my eyes.

We both are in the dining table together.


With Scott and Dad together.

At the same table.

Know everything.

"Ahh this is such a beautiful moment." says me.

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