-Chapter 4-

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{ Scott's POV }

Finally we were arrived at Jason's house. We were stared to each other.

"Today was amazing.", Jason said.

"Because of you, my baby boy.", I touched his cheek and wrapped him as i hug him. He hug me back but more tight.
I kissed him and our lips met, His hands touched my chest while my hand played with his black hair. His hair was messy but so smooth. We kissed like our tounge was glued to each other. Until he pulled himself to take a breathe.

Jason smiled so brightly. I smirked a little.

"Baby boy, can i have your number ?."

"Oh sure, here you are.", He texted his number on my phone.

I saved His number and named it by "Baby boy", We looked to each other again. But then someome shouted to Jason from the Door of His house.

"Jason, is that you ?."

"Yeah Mom, i'm home."

His mom nodded, and waved to me while she smiling. I smiled back to her.

After that me and Jason waved to each other as we have to went home.

******* a week later *******

After a week me and my baby boy passed, we get more and more loved to each other, I was right to chose him to be my slave and boyfriend at the same time.

Until now, i still not yet to fuck him up, I thinked I need to wait Him until he's in legal age.

Day by day, he always looked nicer and nicer. I still can't believe He wanted me that much. Probably many master or boys wanted to be his boyfriend. How lucky I am.

"Scott... Scott... ", someone is yelled my name. But i wasn't pay attention to that as i was thinking about Jason in my mind.

"Dude, wake up!!!!!.", I realized to that voice and stared to Matt as he put a worried face, then turned to confused face.

"You were daydreaming while class, are you okay man ?".

"Yeah i'm cool man, relax.".

He kept looked at me still with the confused face. I was afraid that Matt and other best friends of mine caught me dating with Jason, or knew that he was boy, and would telling to everyone in the city that I was gay who was dating with another boy.

This just so fucking unfair. Why loved someone is not accepted in my environment. No matter what, I will always love Jason, Only him that could fill out my empty heart.

I wished the class will be over soon so I could be around Him.


{ Jason's POV }

Felt happy for this day, the sun is up and the sky looked so nice, I saw that wonderful view from behind the window close to my seat.

I didn't pay attention to the board and the teacher anymore, because I can handle it. So if the teacher asked about that, i'm sure i can answer her.

Just wait for another minutes and I could see him again.

The bell rang, the school time is end for today.

I rushed myself, but then Jenny called out my name.


I turned around and responded, "What ?".

"Where do you think you are going ?, You forgot that you have friends ?". She asked.

"Sorry guys, I should go now.".

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