-Chapter 3-

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{ Jason's POV }

Woke up in someone's bed, i still felt the hot inside me. I never thought i could make it with someone that i had crush with. I had a little sex with Scott, the most perfect guy at the school.

I looked up to my phone and i saw it's already 9 PM, I panicked, then i fast prepared myself and ready to head up to my house. I was afraid if my parents would be mad as i Stay out late. I saw Scott still sleeping. And still naked. I touched his face and going through his neck and then his stomach as i could feel the six pack of him.

I whispered to his ear.

"I'm going home now, Scott. Thanks for everything before.".

I left him, and I ran to my house quickly as afraid of my parents will mad at me.

When I arrived my parents were in living room, sitting in the couch that has my favorite colour on it. I stepped in and just quickly walked to go upstair to my room. But my parents shouted my name.

"JASOOOOONNNN....", My Dad shouted.

I looked behind and stared to my parents, My dad's face looked very angry. But my mom not really angry.

"Where have you been ?.", My Dad asked.

"Was at my friend's house doing school project.", I answered unsurely.

"Are You sure ?".

"Ya Mom, Dad. I was doing school project with one of my friend, his place is close to our house.", I answered my mom's question.

They nodded and still not sure about my explanation. But they let me went to my room. I sighed and touched my chest as I was really afraid if My parents didn't believe me. I went to my room, took off my shoes and layed down on the bed.

I looked to the sky of my room. I liked sky so much, so one day I asked my parents to decorate the sky of my room to be a really Sky with cotton cloud everywhere and the big sun.

I really loved summer so much, where I could go to the beach with my parents.

The stomach of my body was shaking. I didn't eat that much for today. I went down to the kitchen, and i saw my parents still watching tv together.

"Honey, I made dinner for you, it's in the dining table. I thought we could have dinner together but you're coming home late." My mom explained.

"Thanks Mommy, Sorry I came late without contact you before.", I responded, and my mom smiled also nodded

I saw a steak served on the table and it looked so tasty, as my mouth was watering so much. I ate it but in the middle of the dinner time, My dad kept watching me, I thought he didn't believe my reason before why i was being late to go home. I looked down to my food, and avoided his eyes.

I finished the dinner. Then I went upstair. I went to the bathroom to washed my body in the tub. I liked washed in the tub more than washed by shower. In the tub I could relax myself from all the stress that stucked in my head.
I undressed my clothes, and I could see my body in the mirror. I saw the scars was still on my left cheek. Then I turned around to saw my asscheek, it's getting so red after Scott did that to me. I smiled as i remembered the moment Me and Scott together before.

As the tub already fulled by the hot water, I started to wash my body.

Finished with that, I put the towel and went to my room to got myself dressed.

I jumped to the bed and reached a book from my bookshelf, as My dad bought it for me when he knew I really addicted to read some books.

I read the book and layed down with blanket covered my half of my body. Then I fell asleep after.

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