Chapter 11 : Start again

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After the divorced, Sei and Yuko made sure that they wouldn't meet again. Both have been busy with their own work and life. Yuko have begin to meet with another man, she is trying to get her life back together. Even though sometimes she still think about Sei but she no longer remember the bad memories whenever she thinks about him. Slowly she let it go and start new.

And know its almost six months since Yuko last see Sei, there is the time when she meet Sei out of the sudden. She saw him when she was buying a coffee at the cafe 3 block from where she works and while she was waiting her coffee, she saw Sei.

And he wasn't alone, beside him was a woman whom Yuko doesn't recognise. Seeing him with another woman makes Yuko's heart hurt. It wasn't long their divorce but he already have someone else, Yuko smile sadly while looking at Sei with the woman being intimate. Then she turn around and look at the worker at the cafe who prepared her coffee. Yuko thinks that it is too early to find someone else to feel her heart again.

But seeing Sei a few second ago makes her realise that, she wasn't worth in Sei's eyes, thats why he was able to find someone else easily and move on. While she still in the process of healing her own heart, while she was thinking about it, someone call her name and she look at the cafe worker.

Her coffee already been made, Yuko smile and say thank you to the worker and left the cafe to go to her work place. She made up her mind that she shouldn't think or care anything that is related to Sei. And she did just that. From there, Yuko gave her attention entirely on her works. The manager from her work place praise her for her dedication in her work and Yuko is happy.

Right now, Yuko is at her work place. She is busy to finish her report but then one of her coworker ask her
"Hey Yuko, do you wanna go on a blind date?"
"No thanks, I'll pass."
"Why not?"
"You know that I'm busy with my work here."
"Everyone also busy with their work but not like you. Come on, there's only me and Miaka. Our blind date consist of three guys. And we need one more person."
"Why don't you ask someone else."

"Ive already did that but you know that almost all of our coworkers already in a relationship and some is already married."
"Then why ask me, there's also single teacher a few block from here. Ask someone there."
"Why would i want to ask someone from there is you've already been single."
Yuko stop at her work and stay silent. Her coworker realise that she had offend Yuko, she quickly said
"I'm sorry Yuko, i know i shouldn't never said about that. I'm really really sorry."
"No...its okay. You are right about that. I am single."

Her coworker doesn't know what she should say then Yuko told her that she agree joining her on the blind date. Her coworker smile and said
"Thank you Yuko, you're the best. I'll text you the date and time and where the blind date is."
Then Yuko continue her report."

She thought that it wasn't bad to start and meet new people again since Sei already moved on why cant she do the same. She begin to think what she should wear for the blind date, she felt excited in meeting new people and have fun with her coworker.

Now her life start again with new memories.

To Let GoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora