Chapter 7: Separate Ways

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Sei never knew that Yuko had already prepared the divorced paper. He really couldn't say anything but look between her and the divorced paper on the table.
"Yuko...we dont have to do this. I could really change." Sei voice begin to tremble, he couldn't imagine what would be like without Yuko.
"I..i admit that i was wrong for doing it but please I promised i will change."
"I heard that many times Sei, now i dont dare to believe it again. Just sign it already."

Yuko wanted to gave Sei another changes but she knew that she couldn't because she doesn't want to get her heart broken again. Even now it is hard to stand what her decision but she have to because she wants to be free from this.
Sei doesn't want to sign it, but Yuko kept asking him to sign it.

"Don't you also want to be free? After we get divorced you could also continue to do what you like Sei and no one is stopping you, that's the way you like it right?"
"No Yuko I didnt mean to do that. I...I just don't know why but i promise you that i wont do it again. Please Yuko dont be like this."

Yuko started to have headache and she already persuade Sei to sign the divorced paper and still he didnt want to, she doesn't know how long can she tolerate with Sei's attitude. She glare at him and said
"Didn't you heard what i say to you Sei!? I'm damn tired with what our marriage turn out to be and i no longer want to continue having this toxic marriage. You kept saying you change but when will you change? I never saw you take any effort in doing so."

Yuko continue...
"Don't expect me to just seat still and look at you with other woman being intimate with each other, and dont ever use the excuses that i love you because I also know that you didnt mean that. So tell me Sei, why? WHY? Why did you marry me in the first place?"
Everything that Yuko told him, went straight to his heart. It was as if he was strike by lighting, he wonder why he did all of that and made Yuko hurt so many time.

"I'm sorry Yuko" He tried to hug Yuko but she walk backward, she no longer want him to touch her because all that she could remember now is how he touch other woman. So how can she let him touch her like that. She felt disturbed about it for a long time.

She took a deep breath and look at Sei, it is hard to say it but she have to let it go.
"I forgave you Sei but I'm also sorry because i can no longer be with you. So please just sign it and set us both free."
"Is this really want you wanted?"
"Yes" Without hesitation Yuko answer.
Sei look at the divorced paper for a long time.

He isn't willing to let Yuko go but he saw in her eyes that she really doesn't want to continue being married to him. He really thought that she would always forgave him when ever he cheated but he was wrong and now the price for his action is their marriage.
He took the pen and sign his name, Yuko saw how Sei hesitate to sign it and she hold her breath when Sei finally sign his name on the divorced paper.

After Sei sigh in, Yuko took the divorced paper and look at it. He really did sign it, then she look at Sei
"Thank you"
"....." Sei doesn't have any energy to talk, after he sign the divorced paper. He felt like his energy left from his body.
Seeing that Sei only seat at the chair, Yuko doesn't know what else she could say to him except.
"Tomorrow I'll be moving out, I've already pack all of my things so...." Yuko stop talking and try to control her emotion from bursting out.

She stand in front of Sei for awhile but after that she left and go upstairs towards the guest room and lay on the bed. She felt exhausted, she had done it. Asking Sei for divorce and make him sign it, this is it. Both of them are finally free and can do what ever they want, Yuko face is blank when she think about it but the tears running down on her cheek. This time she cry hard but she hold her voice in.

They weren't husband and wife anymore, they are now on their  separate ways.

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