Chapter 21: Who is he?

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Soon after that, Narita take Yuko to a nice restaurant. It wasn't expensive nor cheap but in between those. Narita had made reservation before so when they arrive at the front door of the restaurant, both got greet from the waiter at the counter.

"Hello Sir, welcome to Mons Restaurant. Did you have reservation?"
"Hello, yes i did. The name is Narita"
The waiter looks at his file of reservation and find Narita's name in it.
"Welcome Mr.Narita. Please follow me to your table."

The waiter guide them to their table. Yuko expect that they were going to have dinner among the other customers but when she saw all the table that have some customers and some are empty, they walk past all of that.

She confuse but decide not to say anything.
Soon she saw the waiter open a door and inside there were decorate the room as if it is for only VIP can have access to it.

After they have seated, the waiter then goes away. Yuko thought that the waiter would give them menu so they could order something.
Seeing Yuko's face, Narita knew what she is thinking.
"Don't worry, i made reservation here along with the food and drinks that we'll be having soon. Hope you enjoy it."
"I see, i thought that it's weird that the waiter just walks away like that." Yuko smile.
"Sorry about that, i shouldn't set what we'll be having today. I'm sure you like to order what food you like."
"No, don't be sorry. Anyway i like surprises so i can't wait to see what dishes the waiter brings."

In just a few minutes, the waiter brought a champagne. He open the champagne and pours it into the  classy champagne glass then put it in front of Narita and Yuko.
They both thank the waiter.
The waiter bow his head a little and smile then goes out from the room again.

While waiting for their food, Narita looks at Yuko. He could see that Yuko like the champagne because he saw how Yuko made such a pleasant face. He is glad that Yuko like it.  But his face turns serious, he thought that maybe this time is the right one to ask Yuko about that man.

Yuko saw this then she ask
"Whats the matter?"
Shock, Narita looks Yuko. She is staring at him, probably because his face expression change.
"'s nothing."
Narita could ask about it, because his afraid that the answer Yuko might give made him feel down. But Yuko can see that something is bothering Narita. So she try to ask him again.
"If there is something bothering you. If there is, you can tell me but if you don't want then it's okay. I understand.

Narita is silent for awhile, the he got the courage to speak.
"Actually......something has been bothering me in my mind for awhile."
"Really? What is it?"
"Someone told me that your married."
Yuko did not expect that.
While Narita just look at her, he wanted to see what Yuko's face expression is and what her reply to his finding out that she is married.

"Who told you that?"
"There were this guy came up to me after we had our blind dates. I don't know what his reason for approaching me but when i try to ask him if something is wrong, he then ask me if i'm going on a blind date with you."

Yuko continue to stay silent, she wants to hear what Narita told her until the end of it.
As if he knew that Yuko wants to know what happen up until the end, he continue to talk.
"I thought that he is your boyfriend since he seems to know you but soon after that he told me that i shouldn't meet up with you again since your married. That shocked me and i could utter any words, he just left after that."

Yuko could not process about what had happen to Narita back than but she knew who is that man that Narita talks about. Of course she knew since he tried to see her and wait in front of her apartment building just a day after her blind date.
While Narita just wait until Yuko say whether she know who that man is or not. But he see her face expression, he knew that Yuko knows who that man is but he still want to ask.
"Who is he?" Narita ask.

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