Chapter 20: The Weekends

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It is weekends, one day before their meeting. Narita send Yuko a message regarding what time and place they meet. He also told her that he couldn't wait to see her.

Yuko is happy about it. This date makes her felt that she is now on a right track to begin her life again. Of course taking a slow steps toward healing, she begin her usual rutin.

Wake up getting ready for work, teach and having fun with the children at the kindergarten the going back home and do some cleaning or whatever needs to be done. She is glad that now she able to have time for herself.

Back then, all she do is getting ready all things at home so Sei would never have to do anything around the house their living. Prepared breakfast and dinner, do the laundry, clean up the house etc.

Even though she also works but still she did that because it is her responsibility as a wife. All of that she had done without any complains and she doesn't even have a time for herself, only when her friends ask her to hangout then she could enjoy herself. All of that was not being appreciated by Sei.

Sei had it easy, all the housework he never help yet he had the time to hangout with his friends almost everyday which leads him to meet new woman every time.

The circle around for quite sometimes which leads Yuko had enough of it, but mainly it was Sei's infidelity that made her want to divorced.

Yuko is getting ready to meet Narita, she is excited to see what Narita have in mind to make their date more enjoyable or fun. It only take her for an hour to get ready and put on some makeup since Yuko isn't that fond of wearing too much makeup. Just simple makeup will do.

Narita message her that they will meet at the Kama walking park near the taxi station. Is it just a few block from where Yuko's apartment is so she decide to just walk there instead of ride taxi.

And she arrive there in 8 minutes, getting near the park. She saw Narita is seating at the bench near a fountain. It seems that Narita arrive early than her.
"Hi there..."
Narita look at the direction where he heard a woman's voice is and saw it is Yuko. He smile and greet her back.
"Did you wait long?"
"No, i just arrived a few minutes ago."
"So what are we gonna do first."
"Well if you don't mind, shall we take a few minutes walk? There is a art gallery near here. I like to take you there."
"Sure thing, i don't mind at all."

And true both of them only walk for a few minutes and in front Yuko saw that there is a small art gallery that have been display. All different arts.

"Do you like arts Narita?"
"Yes i do, arts is something that most people value. It isn't about draw and colour or create the arts but it's about ones reflected their emotions, pasts and event on what happen in their life and even creating the imagination that people had never seen before."

Yuko chuckles, she could really see that Narita like arts. Which is why he brings her here.
"I never knew there is an art gallery here."
"I always visit this place whenever i'm angry or upset about somethings. Looking at the arts and trying to understand the meaning behind it makes me kinda calm myself down."

Yuko just stay silent and Narita look at her.
"I'm sorry for bringing you here. You probably think that this is boring." Narita smile nervously.
"Ohh, no worries. I enjoy it, thank you for bringing me here."

Then they took some time to look around at each of the arts they see. It wasn't boring at all for Yuko and she really tell him the truth. She have never been into an art gallery before in her life. Seeing all the arts that have been hanging at the wall. It is beautiful and unique.

She truly enjoy her date with Narita.

****Author's Thoughts****
First, i don't know about arts at all😅 sorry about that.
Well next chapter will be update soon.
Have a nice day or night y'll

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