Part 15. A new Threat

Start from the beginning

He got back up and swung at Yang which she barely dodged

But he didn't let her rest as he kept swinging his blade at her making her dodge even more

Adam: Just how long can you dodge?

She kept trying to dodge until she lost her footing

Adam: Gotcha

He went for her arm

Time seemed to have slowed down as Yang watches Adam swing his sword at her arm

Blake: YANG


Adam's soul turned blue and he was pushed back far away from Yang before he cut her arm off

Y/n: Looks like Chara gave me Papyrus' Scroll by accident, Next time try to specify your location instead of just saying "Help", I was CUTTING it close there

Blake: Y-Y/n?

Y/n: Can you get up Blake?

Blake: Y-Yeah

She got up but she almost fell but Yang caught her

You noticed Adam get up 

Y/n: Who said you could get up?

You summoned some bones under him but he dodged

Y/n: Yang, Blake, stay behind me

Adam: Looks like you have some really good friends Blake, too bad they're all gonna die

Y/n: I don't think it's us who's gonna die

Adam: Oh? And why is that?

Y/n: Because you're so wide open

Adam was confused until he got hit in the Back by a gaster blaster

Adam: What the hell was that?

You teleport In front of him

Y/n: Never let your guard down

You turn his soul Blue and throw him up in the air and you summon some Gaster Blaster

Y/n: Get Dunked on

You fired the gaster blaster hitting Adam, he soon fell to the ground

Y/n: And that's that, you guys ok?

Yang: Yeah, thanks for saving us

Y/n: Yeah yeah

Blake: Does this mean you forgive us?

Y/n: .......I can forgive you Blake, but for now give me some time with the rest

Blake looked really happy and Yang looked satisfied

Yang: Take as much time as you need

The ground shook from Behind you and Adam got up

Adam: Look who's the one letting their Guard down now

He activated his semblance

Blake: Y/n WATCH OUT

You turned around to see Adam charging at you

You are about to dodge until another Gaster Blaster hit Adam 

Y/n: Chara? Papyrus? What are you doing here?

Chara: We noticed that you were putting some stress on your soul so we assumed you were fighting someone so we came to help out

Y/n: Well you saved my butt

Papyrus: Yeah we know, and can I have my scroll back

Y/n: Sure

You both swapped scrolls

Y/n: Anyways, let's get back to business

The three of you looked to see Adam gone

Chara: Damn it he got away

Y/n: Doesn't matter know, let's head back to Beacon to rest 

You grabbed Blake by the Shoulder

Y/n: And let's get you to the Infirmary

Blake: Right

You all then teleported out of there

Part 15 is done. You have finally forgiven Blake but the rest will take some time and it looks like you have to face a greater threat. What will happen in the next parts? Only time will tell

Hope you enjoyed this Part, I'll see you later


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