v: teleportation

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Jaehyung ended up spending the rest of his time at the file cabinet, organising and reading important documents. The workers that Mina sent away came back in order to continue with their work, as long as none came near the file room. He was grateful to Mina for all the work she had done. Despite being his bodyguard, she was also technically his manager and secretary.

During the night time, he ended up getting nightmares whenever he slept. It was dreams of Kim Jaehyung - the villain. The dreams he dreamt were scenes that happened in the novel. Whenever Jaehyung dreamt, he was still in his body, except trapped and experiencing the mind of the other Jaehyung's thoughts.

Although Jaehyung did not like the dreams, he ended up sticking through to it in order to see the events. He could see what the other characters looked like. It was rather helpful, really. Now he didn't have to worry about each character and their description. He already knew what their appearance was, anyway.

Sometimes, when the dream was too much, Jaehyung ended up wandering around his penthouse. After two weeks of being in the novel, he couldn't feel accustomed to the luxurious life yet. It didn't feel like it was his - that it still could all go away in a blink of an eye.

Of course, with this mindset, he hadn't the nerve to go outside without feeling as if he was going to be found out as a fraud Kim Jaehyung.

That left to the talk with his elemental gift, the hallucinations. For some reason, ever since Jaehyung entered into the novel, he had felt no sense of shadow powers in his hands. Unlike what it stated in the novel, that the thrum of having an elemental gift was the driving force of the power and that one could easily feel it - Jaehyung had felt none. Which immensely concerned him.

What had happened? Did he lose his gift? Jaehyung certainly felt panicked but nonetheless he had to calm down. First, he had to meet Seo Jeongsuk.

After all, his awakening was today.

He knew in Arise that there were such things as teleportation devices. The downside was, only the rich could actually afford them. Which also lead to another conclusion - Jaehyung was extremely rich. So rich, in fact, he had a teleportation device in his own home. Multiple ones, actually. Each device could be equivalent to the wealth of five small countries. But even that was still less.

He knew Mina never left his side but he absolutely had to distract her with something else. There was no way he could let her come with him to see Seo Jeongsuk.

Jaehyung sighed. Indeed, what had happened to his hallucinations power. That would have been the most helpful to him at this situation. So, he opted for the next best thing and told Mina that he was going to sleep, telling her to not let anyone or even her come to his room. She obliged, of course and silently, he entered through the teleportation device with the destination in mind.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the meadow that Seo Jeongsuk first awakened his power. Nervous, he pocketed the now small teleportation device he had. The only great thing about the device was that it was portable, instantly growing in size once the destination had been typed into to decide.

The meadow was a place where nobody except Jeongsuk knew the way too. It would have been strange for a complete stranger to know the way to the meadow without getting lost in the forest so Jaehyung held back, watching as the distant silhouette of Seo Jeongsuk entered into his vision.

His hair was like snow, shining brightly against the sun's rays. Jaehyung was slight enraptured, more so at his hair and eyes that were the colour of blood rubies. In the real world, hair and eye colour like that was impossible. Yet, here Jeongsuk was, looking like exactly like an anime character.

Jaehyung felt slightly disappointed at his own looks. All he had were hair as dark as midnight black and dark blue eyes. At least he was tall. Jeongsuk looked slightly short to him.

Now, he waited in anticipation. Soon, Jeongsuk's awakening would come and he would be there to witness it all. The only thing was, Jaehyung could feel that something wasn't right. It was a terrible feeling in his chest, a squirming sensation that ate him up inside.

He watched in stark horror as another figure started running towards Jeongsuk - who had ended up lying down on his back towards the sky - with what seemed like the elemental of earth manifesting into a sharp rock in their hands. Jaehyung couldn't see the face of the attacker, but he immediately acted.

Seo Jeongsuk was absolutely nothing without his powers.

If it wasn't for his elemental, light, he wouldn't even have half of the talent he had if he didn't have a gift. Having the power of creation immediately created opportunity and physical benefits for Jeongsuk.

This wasn't what happened in the novel! Jaehyung thought in panic. He started to sprint towards the attacker but when he realised he was too far away, he gave a shout of warning towards Jeongsuk.

Jaehyung's face paled as Jeongsuk turned around to meet the attackers face. He reached out a hand in panic and suddenly, his body began to thrum with a brimming energy on the brink of destruction.

Pitch black darkness surrounded the place and it seemed as if time stopped. It didn't take long to realise that time had slowly stopped.

Jaehyung ran towards the attacker and the moment his body made contact with the attackers face, the darkness of the world dissolved and the meadow was in view again.

The punch sent the attacker flying and his back hit the bark of a tree nearby. The attacker immediately collapsed, losing his conscious.

A terrified Jeongsuk looking at his way, Jaehyung slowly neared him.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

Jeongsuk shook his head, "What's going on? What's happening? How did you even suddenly appear?"

"I'm not your enemy!" Jaehyung exclaimed. "I'm here to protect you!"

"Protect?" Jeongsuk blinked and started to distance himself away.

Jaehyung started to inch closer, "Trust me." he said calmly. Thinking of what to say, he ended up with an idea to make Seo Jeongsuk trust in him. "You're in danger. I'm tracking down the people who are trying to hurt you. It seemed that you just ended up in the same place at the wrong time."

He bowed politely. "I apologize for that! I work for a secret union that catches criminals like the one trying to hurt you. This is classified, but it is vital for you to trust me as you are an innocent caught up in this mess."

"Really?" Slowly, Jeongsuk began to relax. "Thank you then, officer!"

Jaehyung smiled in relief and approached Jeongsuk. This time, the protagonist did not move away in terror, although he seemed slightly wary.

"Now, let me see the wound you have on your hand."

Jaehyung glanced up and his eyes widened in alarm. "Officer! Watch out!"

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