xlii: the disappearance

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A siren resounded through the air.

"Applicants, please be seated," a robotic voice echoed through the hall. The applicants sat down and a hush of whispers echoed through the huge room.

It was a chilly, frosty morning and many of the people in the room looked positively exhausted, some ready to fall asleep. Yuna clenched her fists, her body shivering, her mind a whirl. She glanced at the boy next to her, who seemed lost in his own world.

"The test will start in three minutes. I repeat, the test will start in three minutes."

The whispers immediately quietened down. In this suffocating silence, the girl did her best to breathe.

She wasn't like this before.

This room, despite how large it was, almost felt like it was suffocating her, screaming at her. Words trampled through her brain, like a tornado rushing past and scattering a huge mess around her.

"The test will start in one minute. I repeat, the test will start in one minute."

Yuna could almost feel the stars twinkling above her, like a ray of light, shining down on the room. The windows outside showed the murky world, a grey sky and rainy weather that completed the look. The world turned into an array of colours - dark, dreary and morbid.

She had to pass this.

"The test is starting now. I repeat, the test is starting now."

She breathed out as a huge holographic screen appeared in front of her. There and then, did she begin to work.


The very next day, Yuna awoke to the morning light filtering through her window, shining brightly at her face. She winced, covering her eyes and climbing out of bed.

When she shuffled her way towards the kitchen, ready to eat breakfast, a beep echoed in the silence of her room.

She headed to the intercom, disgruntled.

"Yes, what is it?"

"It's Sungho," a familiar voice spoke. "I'm here."

Yuna stepped away from the intercom and granted access to Sungho, who immediately smiled at her when the doors opened.

"Good morning sister," he said as a way of greeting, bowing his head.

"Morning," Yuna said, giving him a nod of acknowledgement before turning away. "What brings you here?"

"I was... looking for something."

Yuna turned away, getting herself breakfast. It was still strange to her - making breakfast by herself that is. After dismissing all her workers a week ago, it was still a startling task to do.

"Looking for what?"

Footsteps neared and Sungho sat on a stool in front of her. Yuna glanced at him before quickly cooking pancakes on the pan.

"You see there was a classified document that brother Jaehyung had... I believe he took it when you were both in Singapore."

Yuna cocked her head, "And why do you need this classified document?"

Sungho leaned on closer, "It's important," he said. "It'll allow me to understand the disappearance behind Jaehyung and the motivations behind what took him."

"I-" Yuna breathed. "Sungho why are you so interested in this? For all I knew, Jaehyung and you were never close. I myself don't even know my brother very well." Bitterness coated her words and she remained focused on flipping the pancakes.

"But it wasn't only Jaehyung that disappeared," Sungho reasoned. "It was three others as well."

Yuna gave two pancakes to Sungho on his plate, sliding some berries on a bowl and syrup towards him. He took it gratefully, eating the food immediately before flinching as the heat of the pancakes scorched his tongue. Gagging, he motioned for water. Yuna sighed, rolling her eyes as she passed him a cup of water to which he drank greedily.

"The disappearance of them has nothing to do with you. I suggest to stop meddling with them before anything even more serious happens. Sungho, just stop. You knew none of them."

"But I care," her brother insisted. "Trust me, sister. The disappearances of them link towards the Fallen and father's lack of communication lately."

Yuna frowned, "Veritably so, but the fact that you suddenly took the late exam test for the Academy without any notice deters me."

Sungho sighed, munching on the pancakes. "The same goes for you," he said. "You can't lie to me sister, you're applying for a late entrance to Kings Academy simply because you want to get to the bottom of Jaehyung's disappearance."

Yuna shook her head. "And what makes you think of that?" she snapped. "For all you know, I could simply be applying because I want to get more serious about my education."

Sungho stared right at her, "Blood is thicker than water," was all he said.

Sungho stared right at her, "Blood is thicker than water," was all he said

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There was something strange lurking in the shadows
A shot in the dark
A cry that pierced noise itself
The nothingness of everything
And that unmistakable feeling of rage

Will one day lead to my madness

As all I see now is the darkness of red
That drips so heavily down my blood-stained skin
I can no longer see the light
As I have been entrapped in here
For how long again?

Even though the shadows beck and come at call
It's nothing when there's nothing to control
And the strings of fate that has just been cut
Is one that cannot be destroyed

I'm sorry.

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