li: lost friendships

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"How is Jaehyung's progress?" asked his father one day, as he sat on an office chair, raising his eyes up from his sheets.

"A very noticeable improvement," said Fabian. He looked different from his very relaxed posture and behaviour whenever he was around him. Jaehyung suddenly felt glad he was like this around him. "He is very much a genius in every aspect, sir."

"Very good," said his father, meeting his gaze. "I will expect much from you at the Academy, my son."

Jaehyung bowed, "I will do my best to uphold my duties, father."

"Very well then," said his father. "You are both dismissed. However, Jaehyung—"

"Yes, father?"

"Don't hold back with your powers the moment you are in school. Show this world your strength."

He bowed again, "You will expect no less from me, father."

The doors shut silently behind them. Fabian raised his hand for a high-five. Jaehyung, although somewhat embarassed, met his hand and then the two shook hands as they walked out of the mansion.

"I've never seen your father that benevolent before," said Fabian, amused. "It was quite a sight to see."

"You would call that benevolent?"

"Indeed," he said. "I have worked with your father before on some projects. He was always ruthless towards the workers. Though however ruthless he may be, one could easily see how he rose to the top of the world.

Jaehyung gave a hum and tugged at his Academy uniform. The past week training with Fabian had been fun. He enjoyed it thoroughly and even he could feel himself improve through the teachings of the professor. Jaehyung was glad about it.

Cars began to swerve by and one stopped in front of the two of them. Mina walked out and bowed to both of them. "Good morning to you both."

They both gave their own greetings. Before Jaehyung stepped foot in the car, the voice of his professor stopped him.

"You must be careful, Jaehyung," said Fabian. "In the Academy — although I hate to say this to a student — you have to be careful with who you are interacting with. Chances are they work for the Fallen and are taking this chance to be able to gather information about you and your family. Don't trust too much, okay?"

"Yes," said Jaehyung. "I know very well what it means to be part of my family."

"Good," said Fabian, satisfied. "Until then, Kim Jaehyung."

"Until then," Jaehyung echoed back.


Once the car parked at a place in the front of the Academy, Mina turned to Jaehyung from the driver's seat. "Here is you're timetable for this term," she said, handing him a slip of paper. "I've sent it to your devices as well so you can look at it digitally."

"Thank you," said Jaehyung.

The moment he stepped foot in front of the Kings Academy entrance, Jaehyung could already feel the hushed murmurs and stares of the students surrounding him.

Inside, he cringed internally. He hadn't been under watchful eyes for a long time. This made him felt exposed. But, he was not powerless so Jaehyung swallowed back his concerns and continued on.

The receptionists hands were shaking the moment he arrived to check his attendance, seeing that he had been unable to attend school for a whole term.

"A-as for a guide—"

"Don't worry, Camilia," spoke a cheerful familiar voice behind him. "I'll give him a tour whenever Yuna isn't around."

"Mark," said Jaehyung, his voice slightly stiff.

"Now, that isn't a way to greet an old friend," Mark said, laughing. "Welcome back, Jaehyung."

The blatant stares and whispers were getting obvious. Mark, noticing this, sighed. "Best get used to that," he said. "Your fans are probably shaking in happiness right now."

"...My fans?"

"Of course," snorted Mark. "Once your face got leaked, the whole world was talking about you. Words like attractive, handsome, ethereal, too good to be true, all describing what appears to be you and your looks. Everyone is in love with you. Most of them will keep their distance though. To them, you are a perfect human being that is way out of their league."

"Perfection doesn't exist," said Jaehyung.

"Oh really?" Mark laughed, although it seemed forced. "Jaehyung, I don't know if you've realized this, but you have been graced by blessings the moment you were born. Genius, handsome, athletic... need I say more?"

"Mark, are you hitting on Jaehyung?" Another familiar voice. Jaehyung internally groaned inside as Mari appeared. She wrapped her arms around Mark's shoulder and leaned into him.

Needless to say, Jaehyung was stunned into silence.

"No, not at all," said Mark. "I'm stating facts."

"It sounds like you're hitting on him, though?"

"...Y-you both?"

"Dating," they confirmed. Mark laughed. "You've been away for so long. No worries though. Some things just change."

Mari smirked at his reaction, "What?" she sniped. "Is it that surprising?"

Surprising? No, more like disgusting. How did Mark even fall for Mari, anyway? This didn't make sense.

"Believe me, I'm not used to it either," said Yuna from behind him, staring at the two of them in distaste. She rolled her eyes at Mari and then turned away. "Dumb and dumber. Anyway, come along now Jaehyung. Let's leave those two idiots to themselves."

Jaehyung was surprised at Yuna's sudden intensity towards the both of them. Especially to Mark, whom to Jaehyung had always seemed as if Yuna respected him greatly.

Before Jaehyung could say anything, Yuna spoke up. "A lot of things have changed since you were gone," she said. "Mark is a complete idiot now who is dating another complete idiot. He and Leo don't talk anymore. I don't know what the hell happened between the two of them but they both refuse to say anything on the matter. At this point, everyone has given up."

"Is that so?" Jaehyung stared straight ahead as he walked on. However, his attention became diverted once he came to an abrupt realization. "Yuna, what are you doing here? I had no idea you were attending Kings Academy."

She shifted slightly from beside him, suddenly becoming awkward. "I thought in the end it was more beneficial to come here earlier than planned. I am eighteen now after all."

Jaehyung couldn't do anything except sigh. "I am surprised father allowed you to enrol early."

"So am I," sighed Yuna. She walked forward and then spun on her heel to look back at him. A wicked grin settled on her face. "But isn't it more fun though? We're rivals."

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