iv: life at a different direction

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Mina immediately straightened as she saw Jaehyung open the door.

"Master!" she exclaimed. "You have finally gotten out of the room. Now, shall we call the doctor over? I hired a different one of course as the other one was incompetent."

"No need," he responded with disinterest. "I have remembered my current situation."

Mina relaxed, "I would still recommend having the doctor look over you but I will do as you ask, Master."

"Of course, I still have a few questions to ask."

"Ah, yes of course Master."

"What nationality are you?"

Mina looked slight surprised and blinked in confusion. "I'm half American and Japanese."

Mina, who had the short dark brown shoulder cut hair and the green eyes was indeed exactly like the description of the novel that Jaehyung read. It was always heavily stated in Arise that Mina was Japanese and American.

"How many languages do you speak?"

"Japanese, English and Korean. I am slightly fluent in German and Mandarin as well." Interesting. The novel never mentioned the amount of languages Mina could speak.

Mina looked hesitant to say something but Jaehyung smiled and encouraged her to say whatever was on her mind. Slightly flustered, Mina asked shyly, "Why are you asking me these questions?"

Jaehyung turned away and walked out, gesturing her to come over. Mina followed him immediately. "I'm simply asking questions to see if the facts are correct. Now, what nationality am I?"

"You're Korean."

"What languages can I speak?"

"You've only spoken Korean when around me. However I have heard that you can speak a total of over ten languages."

"And how long have you been working under me?"

"Only under six months, Master."

Jaehyung nodded. So far, every information stated was correct. "Lead me to the file room."

Mina, looking slightly confused, immediately obeyed.

Jaehyung felt weird to be in charge, but it also strangely felt right. It was as if he had always been this confident and straight-forward all his life, like he had a leadership quality that wasn't in him in the real world.

He opened the door to the file room and there, he began to work.


As he got out of the room, excitement shimmered in his heart. How thrilling this was. Despite ending up as the villain of the novel, it was at least less miserable like his life. Kim Jaehyung checked on his phone and tilted his head.

"Why have I not seen any other workers or bodyguards?" he asked Mina.

"I sent them away, Master."

Oh. This was interesting. The Kim Jaehyung in the novel would sometimes get a little too aggressive towards the workers so perhaps Mina sent them away because of that. Jaehyung could barely hide his embarrassment as he turned away.

He intended to fix the wrongdoings of the Kim Jaehyung in the novel. He was a character that was arrogant and lazy - always relying on his wealth and influence as the son of the richest and most powerful man on Earth.

Unlike Earth in the real world, Korea was known as the most important country in the world and by far had the most power, too. Korean was also a second language to most as well, followed by English, Mandarin and Japanese.

Kim Jaehyung was in the centre of that. Until the villain started attending Kings Academy, a school where everyone around the world competed and studied with the most eligible and skilled professors, he was always sheltered. Everyone around the world knew him and his brother's name, yet they were both faceless to the public. Their father did not want their faces exposed to the public until the time was right.

Of course, it was inevitable for Kim Jaehyung to grow to become a narcissist. The villain, despite the title he had opposing the protagonist Seo Jeongsuk, was exceptionally smart, talented and skilled at everything he had tried out. If he wasn't named the villain, one would think he would have been the protagonist of the story instead.

Even Seo Jeongsuk couldn't compare to Kim Jaehyung's incredible intelligence. After studying privately all his life with the best teachers in the world, it was undeniably clear how the Kim Jaehyung in the novel was even a genius amongst genuises in Kings Academy.

The only thing was is that ever since Jaehyung appeared in the novel world, he couldn't recall any information about this world, only about the novel, Arise. He didn't feel any more intelligent as the villain was said to have.

It lead to the conclusion that only the mind of Jaehyung and not the genuis villain was present. Which sucked immensely, of course. Jaehyung wondered how long he could keep up the pretense of the genuis villain.

The villain had everything. The only exception to that was his personality.

Even when reading the novel, Jaehyung could not have helped but gotten angry whenever the villain appeared in the story. The villain violated and gone past the ways of an actual human in the story. The activities done by him were beyond disgusting and unacceptable. Jaehyung could barely think about the actions done by him without feeling sick. It was better not to talk about it, really.

It was sickening to believe that he was in the same body as the villain. A body and face where the Kim Jaehyung in the story harassed and violated many rules.

The only thing was is that Jaehyung was obviously going to take this life in a different direction.

The Villain Of AriseWhere stories live. Discover now