don't you love me? | wallynette

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Kitsune-the1: Could you do "Don't you love me?" for Wallynette/Garmari like Mari confesses to Adrien and he rejects her? P.S it's Kitsune_the1 from ao3 :)

It was a dark, cold afternoon when Marinette Dupain-Cheng revealed her identity to Adrien Agreste

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It was a dark, cold afternoon when Marinette Dupain-Cheng revealed her identity to Adrien Agreste.

It was a gray December day when Adrien Agreste turned her down anyway, despite his countless proclamations that he'd love whoever was under the mask too.

The skies were pouring freezing rain as the Guardian of the Miracle Box trudged home, head down, and it was still raining when she received the invitation to join the Justice League's covert ops team.

Adrien Agreste's ring mysteriously disappears that night while he is asleep, a few words with magic laced into them are spoken, a bag is packed, kwamis are gathered, and a shadow silently slides off of a bakery roof, disappearing into the dark.

All of a sudden, it's like Marinette Dupain-Cheng has never existed. No one remembers her.

Marinette does not exist. She is Minette now, wielder of the Black Cat, Lady of Chaos, the Duchess of Destruction. She is Night, she is Bad Luck, she is a soundless shadow stalking her prey, but she is not Marinette.

There is a speedster who refuses to accept that.

His name is Wally West. He lives in Central City with his mother and father, though he spends much more time with his uncle Barry, the second and current Flash, and his aunt Iris. He loves food and is always eager to test whatever new recipes Miss Martian comes up with, and constantly makes corny science jokes and terrible puns.

(Secretly, she kind of likes it, but she'd never tell him that.)

Oh, and another thing. Everyone on the team knows each other's identities. Aqualad is Kaldur'ahm, Kaldur for short. Artemis is Artemis Crock. She hides in plain sight. Superboy is Conner Kent. Miss Martian is M'gann M'orzz, but she uses Megan Morse at school. Robin is Richard Grayson, apparently a billionaire's son, though he insists that Batman is not his dad.

And Kid Flash is Wally West, of course. He's a scientist, curious by nature.

So naturally, he asks. "What's your name?"

"Minette." She replies. Hadn't Batman already been over that?

"No, like, your real name." Wally clarifies. "Your civilian ID. What do you go by when you're not in costume?"

She looks down at her black suit, so dark it's almost like it is made out of shadows, and realizes that Plagg should probably be saved for missions, and she should wear something else in the Cave.

"Oh. Mullo, Plagg, merge. Plagg, claws in." She says, and then she is left in a casual-looking grey hoodie and jeans, both with pink accents and pink sneakers to match. Her dark hair is pushed back with a pink headband that she has a feeling will turn into a jump rope if she removes it, and a pink and grey mask covers the area around her eyes. "You can call me Souris in this costume, but Minette works too."

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