my hero (brings me coffee) | timari

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Neakco: I see a lot of Damienette where Mari is set up on a blind date (kidnapped) with Adrien by Alya or the girl squad. Then Damien has to come save her. I am wondering if you could do this idea with Timinette instead. Minimal salt, maybe a bit of angst because Tim has insecurities about whether he is good enough for Mari. Preferably a happy ending. But overall completely open to your creativity because i enjoy your writing.

Oh, man. You have no idea how badly I wanted to make this angsty, but I think after the last Timari fic, you guys deserved fluff. Enjoy!

Mari: The girls are asking me to meet them at a fancy restaurant again

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Mari: The girls are asking me to meet them at a fancy restaurant again.

Mari: Like I don't know what they're trying to do at this point.

Mari: Come rescue me? Please?

Tim: Of course.

Tim: Want me to bring a coffee?

Mari: Please. I'm going to need it after this.

Tim: Done. Send me the time and place.

Mari: [Image]

Mari: 6:45 pm.

Tim: Got it.

Mari: Thanks, love you! Hope that meeting doesn't bore you to death.

Tim: It can't bore me to death if I'm already dead.

Tim: Love you too.

Marinette taps her fingers nervously on her legs underneath the table as Adrien prattles on about something or other, sneaking a glance at her phone. 6:43. Two more minutes.

"-and I said that was absolutely ridiculous, and they laughed at me! Can you believe that, Marinette?"

She snaps back to attention. "What? No, of course not! They have no clue what they're talking about!"

That seems to be the right thing to say, because the blond's chest puffs out as he preens, obviously pleased with the stroking to his ego.

6:44. Sixty seconds.

"Anyway, I told them that..." Adrien is off again, and Marinette takes the opportunity to discreetly scan her surroundings again, noting Alya and Nino in poor disguises at the table across from them, Alix and Rose at another, and Mylene and Juleka behind them.

She made sure to choose a seat where she could see the entrance, and it pays off when she sees Tim enter, dressed in his work clothes (because the suits he wears to work are more than enough for a restaurant, even of this caliber), one hand holding her usual coffee order- six shots of espresso, a mountain of whipped cream, sprinkles, and an enormous amount of sugar.

Marinette sighs happily before going to greet him. She loves this man more than she loves her coffee, and that's saying a lot.

"Mon coeur!" She greets, immediately capturing his lips with hers. So maybe it was a tad aggressive. Sue her. It was hard dealing with Adrien and the girls, okay?

"Hey Mari." He says back, a smile pulling on his lips. "Hope it wasn't too bad."

She was just about to reply it's so much better now that you're here when she's pulled aside by Alya, whose floppy hat has been discarded and whose face is now twisted with rage.

"What the heck, Marinette? You can't just go up to random people and kiss them, especially when you're on a date with someone else! How are you ever going to get together with Adrien if you keep on doing things like this? Besides, do you even know who you just kissed? That was Timothy Drake-Wayne! The co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises and the son of the richest man in the world!"

Marinettte raises an eyebrow. "Let me make something clear. I am not interested in Adrien. I do not want to date him, I do not want to get together with him, and I do not want to be around him. It is your schemes that dragged me here, to this place, to go on a 'date' with him. And yes, I do know who I just kissed. Is kissing my boyfriend illegal now?"

"Wh-what?" Alya sputters. "There's no way that he's your-"

"Boyfriend?" Tim interrupts, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. Marinette grins a little goofily at him. He literally could not be more perfect. How she ended up with Tim, despite him being way out of her league (and all of his attempts to convince her otherwise), is still a mystery. "Sorry to disappoint, but I'm afraid that part's true."

With that declaration, he pulls her in for another kiss, and she leans into it, kissing back with fervor and a bit of desperation because between civilian lives and their nightly outings, it's like they never have time to just be with each other.

They end up getting kicked out of the restaurant for 'disturbing the customers' with their PDA, and Wayne Enterprises' PR team is going to hate them tomorrow, but for now, she is content to sit on Tim's balcony, snuggled up into his side with a blanket wrapped around their shoulders, and sip her amazing coffee that her boyfriend knows by heart, despite it taking thirty seconds to recite.

Until he takes it away, and declares that she needs to sleep.


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