i've got you/when i'm with you, i'm happy | konmari

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This was a tumblr ask- check out my tumblr @ m3owww (with 3 w's instead of 4!!!) for more information on how to send an ask.

Anon: If your taking prompts could you do 16 or 83 for Conner x Marinette?

16- "I've got you." 83- "When I'm with you, I'm happy."

She is falling.

Hurtling through the sky at speeds that would most definitely be fatal upon impact, wind roaring in her ears as the ground rushes closer, closer.

She is falling, and there is nothing she can do about it because she isn't transformed.

Or, more accurately, she isn't transformed anymore.

It was your typical alien invasion. They'd come, hoping to challenge Earth's heroes and take advantage of the planet's population and resources. Their force had split into two groups, one landing in Paris, and one in Metropolis.

Ladybug had quickly assembled her Miraculous Team, and they had leaped into the fight.

These extraterrestrials were bird-like, if birds had seven legs with razor-sharp claws and beaks with serrated edges that could easily bite through an arm.

One had snatched her up from the ground as she tried to find a place to duck away and detransform after using her Lucky Charm, carrying her up into the sky, far above the battle going on below.

Once they passed the clouds, they kept going up.

And then her earrings beeped.

And again.

And again.

And then her suit had receded in a swath of pink light, and suddenly she was just Marinette in a domino mask to hide her identity, up in the sky where the air was getting thin and it was hard to breathe.

Then all of a sudden, the claws in her clothing were gone, and she instantly changed directions as gravity took hold.

And now, she falls, doing her best to slow her descent, but it will not be enough to save her from being a bloody splatter on the ground.

There may be someone screaming. It may be her.

Her mind gets an idea that just might work. He's fighting across the Atlantic, but he has superspeed, right? He'll make it.

He has to.

She inhales as best as she can, and yells for Kon.

When she runs out of air, she inhales again and repeats, screaming his name over and over again.

The ground gets closer, and nothing has changed except her vocal chords, which hurt a little more.

She closes her eyes, accepting her fate.

Then, a whoosh of air in her ear, and there are warm, solid arms wrapped around her and she is not falling anymore.

Marinette lets out a sob of relief, heart skittering in her chest, and buries her face in Kon's neck as he slowly flies towards the ground.

"Don't worry, chérie." His voice is warm and smooth and relaxing in her ear. "I've got you."


She nervously toes at the ground, scuffing her battered pink Converses against the ground as she leads Kon into her room in the Tower, secluded and private so what she's about to say isn't overheard. (Because some people , like a certain Bat, can't quash their curiosity.)

"What is it?" Kon asks as soon as the door shuts behind him, but she holds up a hand, silencing him as she digs out a bug from the underside of her desk, another plastered behind a framed photograph, and takes another out from the space in between her mattress and bed frame.

Marinette crushes them under the heel of her foot, then turns back to him, feeling all her brisk, businesslike demeanor leave again, leaving a nervous, stuttering girl behind. Ladybug dissipates, and now she's just plain old Marinette.

"I- I have something to say." She breathes in, and out, steeling herself. "And I know you'll probably want to interrupt me, but just please, wait for me to finish."

Kon nods, radioactive blue eyes focusing on her with a piercing gaze.

Marinette takes another breath, then begins. "Kon, I-I like you. I really, really like you, and not in the platonic sense. When you're around, it's like the weight on my shoulders is a bit lighter. Your mere presence brightens my day, and your smile makes me want to smile too. When I'm with you, I'm happy, Kon, and I've held it in for months now but I don't think I can anymore and you probably don't feel the same way but that's okay I just needed to get it out and let you hear it, don't feel guilty about it because it's fine that you don't return these feelings-"

"Okay, I know you said not to interrupt," Kon cuts off her panicked rambling. "But who ever said anything about me not returning them?"

"Wh-what?" Marinette breathes, barely even there, but she knows his superhearing picks up on it. Her face burns, and she feels kind of like she's floating, like that one time they went to the Kents' farm in Kansas and he flew her up at night to see the stars-

"What I'm saying is that I like you too, Marinette." Kon smiles that brilliant, slightly lopsided smile, the one that he gave her all those months ago above a Kansas field, and her heart stutters. She knows he hears it too, because his grin widens.

"What do you say? Wanna give this dating thing a try?" He asks, and Marinette realizes that she hasn't responded yet.

"Y-you don't mind that I don't- you know-"

"What, that you're asexual and don't want to kiss?" He snorts. "Of course not."

"But you and Cassie k-kissed all the time." Marinette points out.

Kon lifts an eyebrow. "And? Cassie wasn't ace." He points out. "I respect your choices and preferences, Marinette. I don't need to be able to kiss someone to survive."

Those words part the dark storm clouds in her mind, and all of a sudden, she can't stop the sun from shining, unable to help the smile that breaks out on her face.

"Yes." She says, and he smiles again, eyes sparkling like the stars all those nights ago when she first felt her heart skip a beat.

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