Twenty Four

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I sunk into the couch, pulling the warm robe more firmly around my legs. The air was heavy with fresh-cut flowers and herbal aromas that soothed my breathing and calmed my nerves. Soft sensory music played overhead as I looked around the reception area that was surrounded by comfortable chairs and sofas. The decor was warm, with cozy colors, dark woods, thick carpet that felt soft under my feet.

Magazines fanned out on a table in front of me, and behind me were shelves of cosmetics and beauty products for sale. The brochures for spa products and services that the receptionist had handed to me was sitting on my lap. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. Today, I was going to enjoy my day. Hanna had invited us for a spa day along with three of her friends, which had sounded like a good idea to me when she offered. I could use a day like this to relax and take away the stress.

I had already changed, being the first one to do that. Hanna was still in the locker room, as were her friends. There weren't a few of us in today, which I thought was good. As I sat and waited for them to come out, finding peace from the soft music and magazines being flipped by other clients in the reception area, my phone buzzed in the pocket of my robes. I had meant to keep it in my locker with my other stuff, but I decided against it. Something told me that I needed my phone with me, and when I saw Rogue's name flashing on my screen, my heart gave a skip.

"Hello?" My voice sounded husky as if I had just woken up from sleep, but in honesty, being around Rogue made me feel weak.

"You missed me?" he asked. I couldn't see him, but I could picture the cocky, sexy grin on his face right now.

"It depends on who is calling."

He gave a small chuckle. "Are you saying you don't have my number saved?"

I did, but he just didn't know what name I used to save his number, and he would never know. I took in a deep breath before replying, "That will imply that I recognize who is also talking, which I don't, so who is this? Tell me, or you will catch a block." I watched as the receptionist placed a cup of coffee on a table by another client's chair and slipped back into her desk.

"Funny," he drawled, all low and husky. "Where are you?"

"Somewhere that men can't get in, can you believe that? How lucky I am. Somewhere you won't be able to storm in however you like."

"How sure are you that I won't be able to do that? No place is restricted to me."

My stomach twisted at that, and I tried not to laugh in disbelief hearing him say that. "So, you're saying you can walk into a female's restroom too?" I arched my brow even though he couldn't see me.

"Been there, don't that. With you, remember?" His voice was full of humor. "Ah, sweetheart, how could you forget our first moment after three months. It's one of my most memorable memories."

I glared at the wall, wishing he was right there for me to glare at. "Of course, it is," I let out sarcastically.

"You still haven't told me where you are. Should I pull the tracking app?"

"That won't be the weirdest and craziest thing you've ever done." Asshole. Who even threatens to track someone's location? Wait, did he put a tracking device on my phone? Tracking app? What the fuck. I wouldn't put it past him to do that, but something told me he wouldn't do it. Rogue may be a psycho, but he wouldn't do that unless he knew I would seriously kill him.

Rogue sounded slightly annoyed and impatient when he asked, "Are you trying to divert my attention to something else? Where are you right now?"

"I'm out with Hanna and her friends," I informed him without disclosing the location. I wanted to have this day to myself with Hanna without Rogue butting in.

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