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I learned my lesson.

Truly, I did. I was meant to stay here and be tortured by Rogue. Stupid acts like trying to escape or finding ways to escape weren't going to be acted on if it would get my loved ones hurt. I was done with that. Rogue had successfully removed all the bravery inside. Congratulations to him, he won and lost at the same time.

I wasn't the one he was looking for.

He knew I had nothing to do with Hanna's disappearance, but he was still keeping me here. What was the point of making him believe me, then? So I could continue being held against my will?

I finally met another one of Rogue's staff, Ameena. I could tell she didn't like me and was openly hostile, even though she never said a word to me. While she tried to ignore me, every movement of mine was hers. The petite woman was proving to be a difficult person, so I tried to ignore her. I was bored sitting in my room, so I joined Miriam in the kitchen. I offered to help her cook because I didn't want to waste away in my room. I wanted to do something.

The afternoon was spent in the kitchen. We ended up baking so many things. It started as something Miriam asked to me make, then it became something I wanted to do. I always had stress-baked, but today, I ended up doing it without being stressed, and I realized I kind of liked it. Miriam had warmed her way into my friendship, despite how hard I wanted to ignore making any connection with anyone, but there were friendship and understanding between us, which I hoped would keep me sane as long as I remained here. The woman didn't know how to hold a grudge, I would give her that. She chatted about nothing and everything, giving me a sense of normalcy in this hellhole.

When Rogue strolled into the kitchen, I froze with my hand in a dough. His presence filled the kitchen, consuming everything else; space, my energy, and my air. His hazel eyes were smoldered, and he wore shorts and black singlet, his muscles all bunched and ripped. Sweat glided down his body. His hair was wet. He must have been on the run.

My entire body reacted, my mouth parting, and my heart gave a wild kick. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't ignore the spark, the connection. I swallowed the moisture in my mouth, but I failed to read anything in his expression. It made me nervous. He had an aura of pure raw strength, every inch of him was perfect. How could someone so perfect, so painfully attractive be so bad? Desire pinched me, while at the same time, I shook with fear. The emotions tore me in two.

"Mr. Slade, do you need something?" Ameena came out of nowhere and sweetly asked of him, lowering her voice, and I could see her batting her eyelashes, looking up at him with wonder and adoration.

I rolled my eyes. Rogue didn't spare her a glance or made any attempt to reveal he heard what she was saying. He stared at me with hooded eyes, causing my heart to race.

"How about food?" Ameena tried it, but he dismissed her without a second thought, his gaze sweeping me up and down. I didn't know how I must have looked, but I didn't care. I was embarrassed, though. I must have looked horrible. Wait, I didn't care how I looked to him. He can go fuck himself.

He stormed toward me and wrapped his hand on my forearm, lurching me into him. He leaned closer, brushing my cheek with a hard hand. Electricity zapped from his touch, and my legs clenched.

He didn't say anything else but began to pull me out of the kitchen. I could feel Ameena's deathly glare on my back.

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded, trying to keep up with his long strides.

"You're filthy. You need to be cleaned up." His voice was rough and invited a surge of goosebumps on my arms.

"Are you going to clean me up?"

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