6: The Old Friend

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"Dan, hurry! We're going to miss our flight!" Phil was shouting at Dan almost a month after the wedding.

"I'm coming, we have plenty of time!" Dan replied, coming downstairs.

"No we don't! Our flight leaves in an hour!" Phil retorted as they exited their flat and got into the taxi that was waiting for them.

"Yeah, that's plenty of time," Dan said.

"It might be, but if there's any delay or traffic, we'll miss our flight," Phil replied.

"Well yeah, but we are flying first class." Dan said, "Y'know, because Vidcon."

"I know, I just wish you would get ready faster."

"Okay, I'll try. But we don't have meet and greet stuff until tomorrow afternoon," Dan reasoned. "There's no reason to worry."

Phil nodded and was silent the rest of the trip. They boarded the plane in plenty of time and nothing went wrong like Phil thought it would.

Ten and a half hours later, they were landing in California. Dan and Phil went straight into the hotel to check in. They were greeted by a couple of fans hanging out in the lobby, and after saying hi and taking a few photos, they went to check in.

"Hi, how may I help you?" the lady behind the desk greeted them.

"We're here to check in," Phil said.

"Alright, what are your names?"

"Phil Lester and Dan Howell," said Phil.

"Okay. It says you've requested a room with two beds, but because we're overbooked one of those rooms won't be available until tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon. That means there's two options. I could go ahead and give you a room with 1 bed for the weekend, or you could wait until tomorrow at 3 to check in," She explained.

Phil looked at Dan. "Oh. Um, well we have to sleep somewhere tonight, so I guess our only option is to take a single-bed room," Phil said and Dan nodded.

"We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and we'll make it up to you the best we can. If you need anything at all during this week, just call the front desk and ask for Bethany, and I'll take care of you the best I can," Bethany told them.

"Okay thanks," Phil said.

"Okay, so you'll be in room 414. Here are your two room keys. Make sure to keep them away from your phones because sometimes that can deactivate them. If there's a problem or you need another key, just let me know," Bethany said.

"Okay, is that all?" Dan asked.

"Yep. Enjoy your stay," She replied. And with that, Dan and Phil set off to the elevators to find their room.

When they got upstairs, all they wanted to do was go to sleep. "I'm so tired," Phil said as he lugged his bags down the hall.

"Me too," Dan agreed. They had been up for about 20 hours because of the timing of their flight. Dan and Phil were glad when they made it all the way to their room and didn't run into anyone they would have to talk to.

They got into their room, put their bags against a wall and left the "do not disturb" tag on the door. Both of them climbed into the bed right away. They would've gone right to sleep, but the room was cold. Usually, hotels keep empty rooms colder when there's no one in there, and neither of them had thought to change the temperature when they got in.

"Phil, I'm cold," Dan mumbled.

"Me too."

"Can you go turn up the thermostat?" Dan asked.

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