2: The Vlog

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"Phil?" Dan asked a bit later after he had calmed down a bit.


"We should write a book," Dan said simply.

"What? What about?" Phil asked.

"Us. I mean how we met and everything is just so unreal, and yet it's very real. All of this was sort of one accident after the next... and I wouldn't trade it for anything," Dan added as an after-thought.

"Yeah... Why not? Let's write a book," Phil agreed.

"Good night, Phil," Dan said quietly tightening his arms around Phil, and snuggling his head under Phil's chin.

"Good night, Dan," Phil answered under his breath.


Phil woke up first. Dan was still asleep on Phil's chest. He decided to try and vlog this moment. Maybe not to post online, but just to show to Dan later.

Phil found the camera and started recording. Phil spoke in a soft voice to try not to wake Dan. "Hey guys, so we survived the night. I've just woken up, and Dan's still asleep." Phil then panned the camera down towards Dan. Phil was startled as he saw two brown eyes open and look at him in the viewfinder.

Dan turned his chin up, so Phil could see his face more fully. "What are you doing?" Dan asked.

"Vlogging," Phil replied simply.

Dan sat up next to Phil. "How'd you sleep?" Phil asked.

"Me? Oh, what? You mean forgetting the fact we're surrounded by demons on the hard forest floor, I slept wonderfully," Dan said in a sarcastic tone.

"Dan, there aren't demons," Phil replied.

"Like I don't know that!" Dan retorted. "It's not my fault I have an overactive imagination."

"You were so scared though."

"I was not!" Dan replied indignantly.

"You were too! You were basically glued to me in fear," Phil replied.

Dan looked down and blushed, "Yeah well."

Phil stopped recording and wrapped both his arms around Dan in a hug. "Sorry, I know you don't like hugs a lot, but I also know your fear of the supernatural is pretty bad, and I'm sorry for making fun of it and also for hugging you," Phil said almost all in one breath before releasing Dan.

Dan gave Phil a grateful smile that thanked him for the apology. "Can we leave now?" Dan asked.

Phil nodded, so they began packing up. They ate a quick breakfast of toast and were on their way.

Dan and Phil walked back out of the woods and chatted along the way. Dan was videoing their conversations. Dan did this a lot, but hardly ever posted them online because he liked to keep them to himself. They were discussing the possibility of ghosts when they heard something rustle behind them.

"Did you see that?" Phil asked interrupting whatever Dan was saying.

"No, what was it?" Dan asked.

Phil shrugged, "I have no idea, that's why I asked you."

"D'you reckon it was Bigfoot?" Dan nudged with a smirk.

"Maybe!" Phil shot back, "It was big, it might've been!"

Dan laughed at the notion of such, "Bigfoot's even more far fetched than ghosts!"

"Not really!" Phil replied indignantly.

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