5: The Wedding

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A few days later, Phil was sitting up in his room when the phone started to buzz on his night table. He reached over to pick it up and look at the screen. The caller ID said that it was his mother, so he picked up.

"Mum?" He asked.

"Phil! I'm so happy! Have you heard the news?" Phil's mum rambled on the other end of the line.

"No. Mum, what news?" Phil asked.

"Your brother is getting married!" Phil's mum exclaimed.

Phil shook his head, "No way! Really? To Kirsten?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed. "The wedding is in 2 weeks! You and Dan are invited to come up here. I know you're busy, but it would mean a lot."

"Of course I'm coming to my brother's wedding!" Phil exclaimed.

"Great! I can't wait to see you! And Dan of course," She said. "I'll send you the details in a bit!"

"Okay, thanks Mum! I love you!" Phil said.

"Love you too! Bye hun."

"Bye," Phil said and hung up the phone.

Phil sat still for a moment reflecting. He thought about how strange it was that his brother was actually getting married. Phil wondered where all the time had gone. He was only 28, but he felt oddly old. He was almost 30 and he wasn't married. As a kid, he thought by this age he would already have a family. His brother was 3 years older than him, so Phil thought maybe there was still time.

Though the thought of time fleeting was scary, Phil was excited. His brother was getting married!

"Dan!" Phil yelled, getting up to go find Dan.

"I'm in here," Dan said from his room right next to Phil's room.

"Oh," Phil said, for some reason he thought Dan would be in the lounge.

"What do you need?" Dan asked.

"Oh, are you filming a video? I'm sorry," Phil realised why Dan was in his room and apologized.

Dan laughed and shook his head, "No it's okay, I was having trouble speaking English so I wouldn't be able to use that clip anyways. So are you going to tell me what you wanted or?" asked Dan.

"I just got off the phone to my mum. She said Martyn is getting married to Kirsten and the wedding's in two weeks. Also, we're invited," Phil said.

"Oh, cool!" Dan said.

"Yeah, I just thought I'd let you know... What were you making a video about anyways?" Phil asked.

"It doesn't matter, I don't know if I'll even post it." said Dan.

"Oh, um okay. I'll just leave you to it then," Phil said, backing out of Dan's room.


1 week and 6 days later, it was 26 June. Dan and Phil had gone up to Northern England where Phil's brother's wedding would be taking place. Dan and Phil were staying in Phil's old house.

"Oh man," Dan said when they walked into Phil's old room.

"What?" Phil said defensively, looking around. He didn't think his old room was that messy. Besides, he hadn't been over there in ages.

"Just like, I haven't been in here in forever," Dan said looking around. Not much had changed.

"Yeah. I mean I visit around Christmas time usually, but I don't always spend a lot of time in here," Phil said.

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