3: The Film

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A month or two had passed since all the excitement about the Bigfoot video, and the date was now 11 June. This was an important day in the Dan and Phil household because it was the birthday of ½ of the residents there.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!" Phil yelled coming into Dan's room early on the morning of the 11th.

Dan groaned and turned over, but he was smiling under the covers. "Go away," He said, but he didn't really mean it. He was secretly enjoying being pestered by Phil.

"Not until you wake up!" Phil said, jumping on top of Dan.

This gave Dan a start, and his eyes shot wide open. Dan rolled around so Phil was sitting on his stomach instead of his side. "I'm up, now can you get off of me?" Dan asked exasperated.

Phil grinned and hopped off. "What do you want for breakfast?" Phil asked.

"I dunno," Dan started. Then a grin crept onto his face, "maybe some pancakes..."

"Of course..." Phil grinned hugely and left to start on the pancakes. "I'M NOT BRINGING THEM TO YOU THOUGH, SO YOU'LL HAVE TO GET UP!" Phil yelled over his shoulder after he had left.

Dan sighed, but sat up. He grabbed his mobile off the desk beside him and clicked onto Twitter. He scrolled through some of the notifications that were coming in wishing him "Happy Birthday." He noticed a couple of tweets from some people he knew, so he went ahead and acknowledged those by either favouriting or re-tweeting them.

Dan paused, and took a moment to speculate how odd it was to wish someone "Happy Birthday." First of all, he thought, birthdays were weird in general. Every time a person completes one revolution around the sun, that person receives cake and presents. That's sort of the weird thing about humans, and sometimes you just have to accept something for what it is.

Then there was the notion of "Happy" Birthday. It was a nice thing to wish another person to have a nice day on one as important as their birthday. But then there are so many other days where people pass millions of people without wishing each other a "Happy" Day, but that would be weird. Which goes back to the whole "birthdays are weird in a special way that only humans understand" facet. It's odd that we go out of our way to make sure the person who completed yet another revolution around the sun has a good and well, happy, day on the day they did such.

"Dan! Pancakes are done!" Dan heard Phil shout from the kitchen.

Or birthdays are just another excuse for the ones that love you to express such feelings in a way that our society has fabricated, Dan completed his thoughts. Whatever the case, Dan swung his legs to the side of his bed, and got up to eat pancakes.

Dan met Phil in the lounge/dining room. Phil had prepared two plates of pancakes - one for each of them - and two cups of coffee.

Phil had already set up the table, and was waiting for Dan to arrive. When he did, Phil grinned and motioned towards the food.

Dan smiled back, then asked, "Why're you being so nice today?"

Phil shrugged, "It's your birthday."

"Well, thanks," Dan smiled and walked over to join Phil at the table.

Both of them finished eating quite quickly, and not a lot of dialogue passed between them until their stomachs were full.

"So, do you have anything planned for today?" Dan asked casually. It was his 24th birthday, and he didn't expect anything grand, but he was just making sure. Dan would honestly be quite content to sit around all day and watch anime or something on Netflix.

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