44 | the epilogue

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Almost seven years later

Archer and I didn't let go.

Over the past few years, we'd laughed together, cried together, kissed, and had so many adventures side by side. Of course, we'd also had our fair share of fights, but they'd never threatened the strength of the bond we shared with each other.

Archer had kept his promise all these years, and always trusted me, even when we were living in two different towns, in different colleges away from each other. He'd never once doubted me, and I couldn't be more thankful for the way things had turned out.

Now, after our education was over, we'd all forged our own paths for ourselves. At 24, I was a full time artist with my own studio, and exhibiting my works at various galleries all over London.

Archer had decided to combine his love for football and photography, and was now a sports photographer for ESPN, covering all the key Premier League matches and even a few Champions League fixtures. I couldn't be prouder of the man he'd become.

I still kept in touch with Kate and Angie, and even with Beth occasionally, although it was infrequent. Kate was a research fellow at a prestigious institute in Germany, while Angie was a designer for a lifestyle magazine. We were all busy with our own lives but still managed to catch up now and then, and were still the best of friends. But now I also had other close friends from uni and work.

Things had admittedly changed, a lot. We weren't the same people we used to be in school, but that was a given. We had new people in our lives, new friends, partners and work. For example, Kate and Dean had broken up after a few years of dating, but they still remained friends, and now Kate was really interested in a German researcher she was working with. God knew how that would turn out, but that's the thing- one never knew, but one had to try.

Angie had settled down. She'd met this lad called Mark in uni, and they'd remained together even after graduating, and now they were engaged. The wedding was scheduled for next year.

Archer and I hadn't really talked about our plans for the longterm as such. Of course, we'd imagined having our own family and how many babies we'd have and what we'd name them, but that was all banter. We'd just been joking around and fighting over baby names.

We'd never actually, seriously discussed our future, but I knew he was the one for me. I'd always known. Even after such a long time, when we were both adults, with new commitments, new lives and new people in them, I'd never had any doubt.

Arch had been my first kiss, my first time, my first adventure, my first I love you...my first everything. I mean, we both said I hate you a lot more than its opposite, but we knew what we really meant.

And I'd never forget the first time he actually said he loved me.

We were back home for a break from uni. Archer and I were lazing around at his house, eating crisps and playing FIFA.

Suddenly, as he was sitting on his bed with the controller in his hands, I heard him draw in a breath. His eyes were alight with excitement and anticipation.

He was about to pack a player.

I too leaned forward in my seat to see which player it would turn out to be. Arch already had an impressive squad to choose from in FIFA, whereas my team wasn't that strong yet. So I really hoped he wouldn't be lucky enough to get another great player.

But to my utter frustration, he got Mbappe. MBAPPE.

My jaw dropped as he let out an impossibly loud cheer and threw his hands up in the air.

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