25 | the emergency

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I didn't have time to wait for my car the next day.

The next morning, right after breakfast, I set off towards St Mary's. I had trouble sleeping the night before. I'd tried to call Archer multiple times but his phone was switched off.

I caught the 205 bus and got off at the St Mary's stop a few minutes later. Rushing to the reception, I asked, "Excuse me, can I please see Ms Elaine Woods?"

The receptionist raised her eyebrows. She must be thinking I was bonkers, running in like that and asking about a celebrity.

"She's in the third floor, Miss, in the ICU. But no one is allowed to see her right now. May I ask who you are in relation to Ms Woods?"

I gulped. "I'm... I'm her family friend. I know her son."

The lady didn't look like she believed me. She picked up her phone and called someone. A few moments later, she told me, "Miss, I've asked Mr Woods to come down here and identify you, and only then can we allow you to go up to the third floor."

I internally groaned in frustration but nodded anyway. A minute later, Greg, or Mr Woods, came into view.

He looked terribly haggard. His shirt was wrinkled and his usually clean shaven face had a five o'clock shadow. His eyes had bags underneath them. On seeing me, they widened a bit.

"Viv, dear! What are you doing here?"

I rushed to him. "Mr Woods, how is she?"

He sighed. "Not-not very good at this moment. I...I just don't know what's happening anymore."

I reached forward and hugged him. He was like a father figure to me and seeing him like this broke my heart. He hugged me back, and after a while, I asked, "How did it happen?"

He exhaled. "Didn't you read it in the papers today? It's all over the news..."

As if on cue, the TV screen in the hospital lobby suddenly flashed with a news headline: Recently Retired Tennis Legend Critical after Car Accident.

"She was in her car, going to meet one of her friends. Suddenly a truck came out of nowhere and hit her car from the side. The truck driver was drunk. He's been arrested."

I took in a sharp breath. My god.

"How are you holding up?"

Mr Woods gave me a wry smile. "How do you think, Viv?"

He added, "Thank you for coming, dear. I'm not in the best of conditions to greet you properly, but I'm glad you're here."

I smiled. "I'm always here, Mr Woods."

He told me that Mrs Woods was in a medicine induced coma and she would have to undergo a complicated surgery soon. That was a make or break situation. If the surgery was successful, she'd slowly get back to her normal life. But if it wasn't...

No, I wouldn't think about it right now.

I gulped. "Where... where's--"

"Archer?" Mr Woods smiled. "He's in the third floor. You'll find him near the ICU. Go, I know he needs you right now."

I nodded and ran towards the elevator.


As soon as I turned onto the long corridor which led to the ICU, I spotted him. He was sitting on one of the shiny black chairs, leaning forward with his head resting in his hands.

I ran over to him, and sat beside him.

"Archer," I whispered softly.

He looked up. My god, he was a mess.

His eyes were red from crying, and his hair was sticking up in all directions. His eyes widened when he saw me, like he couldn't believe I was here.

"What-what are you..." he struggled for words.

I reached forward and hugged him. God knows he needed one right now. After a brief moment, he wrapped his arms around me tightly, as if scared to let go.

"Let it out," I whispered.

His shoulders shook as he sobbed. I could feel my shirt getting slightly wet, but I didn't care. I just wanted him to stop bottling up his emotions, and it broke me to see him this way.

"I'm... I'm so so scared, Vi," he whispered in my hair, "What if...what if..."

"No," I said firmly, "Nothing will happen to your mum. She's one of the strongest women I know, and she's a born fighter. She'll come back just as good as before, don't you worry."

I held him for a few more minutes until he pulled away, wiping his face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have broken down like that."

I stared at him. "Are you kidding? You have every right to break down right now, and it's perfectly alright. Stop saying sorry for god's sake."

He looked at me properly this time. "Didn't you... didn't you say you needed space?"

"I did. But this isn't the same, Archer. How can I keep to myself and turn a blind eye when you need someone by your side the most? I'm not that heartless, you know," I joked.

He cracked a half smile, almost wistful. "I don't deserve this."

"Deserve what?"

"You. Doing all this for me. I was an arse to you, and now you're here, by my side, comforting me. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you."

I looked away. What could I say to that?

Finally, I met his eyes again. He was gazing at me in a strange way, it made me feel unsettled.

"Archer, right now, all I can think about is that you and your family need all the support you can get. And I'm certainly not going to leave your side. It's the weekend, which means I have the day off, so I can stay here all day if you like."

He looked at me with wide eyes. He looked so vulnerable at that point that I wanted to cry.

"You'll stay?"

I nodded. "I will. I'll stay."

a/n: tough road ahead, it seems... let's see, we might encounter some major feels along the way, who knows. anyway, lemme know how you liked this chapter and leave your votes and comments! xx

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