21 | the revelation

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"Because of May."

I stared at Archer. What was he saying?

"What do you mean? Care to bloody explain?!"

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. It was as if he was debating something in his mind.

"Come on, tell me! If this concerns both of us then I have a right to know!"

Finally he opened his mouth.

"That was May Robertson. The girl in our form who transferred to Scotland last year."

I frowned. "How do you know her?"

"She was the one who showed me that picture. The one with...you in Hyde Park."

It was as if my entire world came to a standstill.

May Robertson?! How did she spy on me? Why did she spy on me? I was 100% sure that picture was photoshopped, since I never did what Archer accused me of.

But why would May go out of her way to sabotage me like that? What had I ever done to her?!

So this was the elusive girl who he had trusted enough to believe, more than he'd ever trusted me.

I felt a raging anger surge within me.

"Tell me something, you arse. What is so special about May that you chose to trust her over some picture she could've easily photoshopped, instead of giving your girlfriend and best friend just one chance to prove herself?"

Archer pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not having this conversation again."

"Oh, but I am. You invited this when you had your little outburst five minutes ago, out of bloody nowhere! Now answer me."

"If I see something with my own eyes how can I not believe it?"

"When you see a disappearing act in a magic show, you see it with your own eyes, right? Does that mean you believe the magician actually disappeared?!"

"That's different!"

"How is it any different? It's the same concept of deceptive appearances! Just because you see something with your own eyes doesn't mean it's always true, Archer!"

He stared at me long and hard. "Fine. Prove it then."


"Prove to me you're saying the truth. Make me believe you."

I stared at him in incredulity. "Are you kidding me? When I was practically begging you to give me a chance, you didn't even look my way twice. And now after all this time you're asking me to prove it to you? Who do you think you are? I don't need to prove shite to you."

His eyes flashed. "Fine, then I won't ever be able to believe you. I'll always think you're a bloody cheater, an unfaithful girlfriend. Nothing else."

The urge to punch him was becoming increasingly hard to suppress. I realised if I had to uphold my dignity and make him realise the truth, I had to prove it to him.

I held my chin up. "Fine. I'll prove it to you. I'll prove I've been saying the truth all along, and that you're just a blind twat with severe trust issues."

With that, I strode out of the room, not having the patience or heart to stay in there with him a second longer.

I let the tears fall only once I was outside.


From the next day onwards, I was a girl on a mission. Archer and I weren't speaking anymore, just coldly ignoring each other. It was terrible.

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