06 | the crush

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When I went back to the common room five minutes before supper, Angie motioned at me frantically from the other end of the room.

I made my way over. "What?"

Angie nodded at Kate, "Katie, you wanna say it or I will?"

Katie just shook her head, looking thoroughly frustrated.

I scrunched my eyebrows. "What happened?"

Angie sighed and shook her head, making her cute afro bob a little. "Kate has developed this massive crush on a boy from her Chemistry class and she doesn't know how to deal with it."

My lips involuntarily stretched into a teasing grin. "Ooh, a crush? Katie has a crush! Which boy is it??"

Katie glared at me. "Piss off Viv."

Angie whispered, "It's some boy called Dean Summers I think. I don't know him that well, just seen him a couple of times since he's not in any of my classes."

I gasped. Dean Summers? Dean as in Dean from my Spanish project! Wow, who would've thought!

I grinned at Katie. "Oh my, Kate, Dean is a great lad! I'm partnered with him in a Spanish project for this term. Oh I know! Maybe somehow I can help set you two up!"

Angie let out a hoot. "That's awesome! See, Katie? The universe isn't against you as you thought."

Katie smiled shyly. "You really think he'll notice me? And not just notice... he'll like me?"

I rolled my eyes. "What's not to like about you, huh? You're funny, smart and very very pretty, he'll be stupid not to see that." Right then, the bell rang for supper. "Come on, guys, let's go down and we'll discuss this on the way."


"When did you start having these feelings towards him?"

Kate groaned. "Ugh, I don't know. For a few weeks I've been having these jittery feelings and getting this weird sensation in my chest every time I see him or talk to him. Actually it all started when one day in Chemistry I wasn't paying attention and the teacher made me stand up and asked me a question. I clearly didn't know the answer but Dean prompted me from behind and saved my arse. I turned around to thank him and then when he smiled, I found it... I don't know, really attractive? Anyway since then, I've been having these feelings and it's more than just his looks. He's pretty darn fit that's for sure but it's more than that, I can just feel it."

I swooned. "Aw, our little Katie has fallen head over heels!"

"Yeah, be louder and let the whole damn school know about it, why don't you?"

I grinned. "Sorry."

Just then, Angie spoke up. "Oh guys, I totally forgot to mention this earlier, what with all the drama with Katie! We have the Annual Ball coming up remember? It's happening on 10th November."

The Annual Ball was a tradition at Bloomwood. I don't know how many schools in London or even England for that matter had this kind of a grand ball, but Bloomwood was an exception. Then again, it was an exception in many ways. Usually sixth form colleges were separate from lower level schools but here at Bloomwood, all forms were housed together at one institute. The only difference was that after GCSEs, the two A-level years were referred to as Bloomwood Preparatory Sixth Form College (although no one bothered to call it that).

Anyway, coming back to the Annual Ball, only for the sixth form, and it was held every November, at a time when winter was approaching. There was one night of dancing, wearing fancy gowns and tuxes, and delicious food for everyone who chose to come. That's right, it was optional. If a student wished, they could stay holed up in their dorm and not attend the ball. But obviously no one did that and every year the auditorium would be absolutely packed with fancily dressed students, sophisticated teachers and beautiful decorations.

But the problem was this year I wasn't sure if I could attend. I mean, yes I was the head girl so of course I was supposed to be present. But just yesterday, Mr Richards had given Archer and me a great great load of work to do. We had to prepare lots of lists of different kinds, write a few reports, draw up notices, make some decisions regarding the sports teams, and help out some teachers with paperwork. It would take at least a few weeks to complete and we had to finish our work by 13th November. So since the day of the ball was very close to the deadline I feared I'd be up to my neck with work and that's what I told Angie and Kate as well.

"Nonsense! What do you mean you're not sure?" Kate cried out. "You have to go, Viv, otherwise we won't!"

Angie nodded vehemently in agreement.

I groaned. "Ugh, guys, I don't know! I'll try my best, okay, but I have no idea when we'll be able to finish that ridiculous amount of work, so chances are I might have to remain in the study while you two dance with your dates. And even if I don't go, you guys have to! You can't miss out on the ball for me."

"Nope," Angie said, "Either you come on your own or we drag you with us, but you're coming to the ball."


Later, after supper, when I was back in my dorm, I brought out my phone and called my mum. I hadn't spoken to her in three days and I was feeling really guilty for not calling earlier.

She picked up on the fourth ring. "Vivian Scarlett Wentworth, where have you been?!"

I winced. "Sorry, mum. I was so busy with all the work Mr Richards set us that I just forgot to call you yesterday."

Her voice softened. "I was only messing with you, princess, you know that. Now tell me, how's this head girl work going? I still can't believe my little girl is leading the whole damn school!"

I chuckled. "Yeah it's going pretty well, except for that one glitch in the system. Archer."

Mum sighed, "Viv, is there no way..."

"No mum. Just no. Don't bring it up again."

My mum had always been a big fan of Archer. When we were best friends and later started dating he'd come over to my house lots of times and I, his. We'd both met each other's families and taken a huge liking to them. Then one day my family invited Archer's family over for a bonfire and they became such good friends that both our mums and dads still kept in touch and remained close, even after we'd broken up and started hating each other.

My mum began again. "You know, your dad and I had dinner with the Woods just a few weeks back. It was so nice seeing them again and catching up. I really miss Archer you know? Why don't you two try to speak to each other, sort things out? Even your dad was saying the same thing the other day."

I wanted to scream my lungs out and say yes mum you're not alone! I miss Archer even more than you do! but I kept silent, and finally said, "What he did can't be fixed with just a few words mum, you know that. And whatever, can we not speak of this please? I didn't call you to talk about bloody Archer."

"Language, young lady!"

"Sorry," I said, not sounding the least bit sorry.

After that mum and I talked for some time and even dad joined in, although he couldn't stay for long since he had a video conference with some business partner of his. After that, I turned off the reading light over my bed and pulled the covers to my nose, relishing the warmth. My mind travelled back to what mum had said, about missing Archer. I felt sorry for my parents and also for Archer's parents, since they are so close and our breakup literally crushed them. Obviously after that they can't meet up as often anymore to have meals together, since Archer and I would refuse to be in the same room. That's why they've resorted to having these get togethers when we're at Bloomwood. I did feel bad for them, but I couldn't help it.

What Archer had done was not forgiven and certainly not forgotten.

a/n: there, after a millennium, i've finally updated! tell me how you liked this chapter...no archer and viv moments i know, but we can't always cram all the chapters with them when there are other people and other things happening too, now can we? anyway hope you're staying safe and at home during this pandemic. lots of love xx

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