24 | the distance

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Two weeks passed. I spoke to Mum and Dad and told them everything that had happened over the past few days.

Yeah, I was the type of daughter who shared everything with her parents. Well, almost everything. But yes, since I was so close to them, I didn't ever feel like keeping big secrets from them. So I told them about my situation with Archer too.

Mum sighed during the video call, her face half blocked out by dad trying to wiggle his into the frame.

"Darling, that lad has made a big mistake. And yes, he needs to make up for it. But what have we taught you, Viv? Everyone deserves a second chance. Just because he didn't give you a chance to prove you were innocent then, doesn't mean you do the same thing to him now."

"But mum, he doesn't have anything to prove! He knows he's messed up, but it's not something I can forgive or forget that easily!"

"I know, darling, I know. And no one is asking you to forgive and run back to him now. But all I'm saying is, give the boy a chance to make it up to you in whatever way he possibly can. I've known him for quite some time too. And I know despite making mistakes, he's got a heart of gold. You know I never misjudge a person's true nature. And I've always known Archer is a good lad. And he truly did care for you when you were together. In fact, I can see he cares for you even now."

I frowned. "How can you see that?"

She smiled and exchanged glances with dad. "Remember my 10-year anniversary gala? Well, over there, both Elaine and I noticed Archer smiling at you so fondly, almost wistfully, when you were cheerng for me during my speech. The way he was looking at you, sweetie...you don't get looks like that from just anyone. That was when I knew he still had feelings for you, buried deep somewhere."

Dad continued. "Viv, your mum's right. In fact, when is she not?" We both chuckled at that. "You should give the boy a chance later on. Of course, he hurt you and no one gets away with hurting my little girl. I'll have to give him a good dressing down when I next meet him. But even I know he is a good lad, and we both feel you should take your time, but eventually give him another chance. To be your friend, if not anything else."

I sighed, and nodded for the sake of appeasing them, and then hung up. The advice I was getting from my friends and family lately was definitely not helping.


Archer was doing a good job of respecting my wishes. Maybe he felt really guilty and obliged to do it, but whatever the reason, he was giving me the space I'd asked for. And I was grateful for it, because I needed to clear my head too.

I had other things to focus on.

It was almost March, and our final A-levels would begin in a few months' time. Of course, I still had a lot of time to prepare, but that didn't mean I could slack off at the last minute or be distracted by other thoughts.

I hadn't worked so hard and come all this way just to slip down.

One thing I'd always prided myself on was my ability to focus on my priorities. Whatever they were, I always managed to separate them from the other things in my head, and concentrate on the issues which mattered most, when they mattered most.

So, partly to focus, and partly to make myself forget about Archer for a while, I immersed myself in my studies. I studied hard for my A-levels and worked on my revision for all four subjects. Even in the study, when I was stuck with Archer, I'd finish my Head's work and then move on to my A-levels prep.

Archer seemed to be doing more or less the same thing. We would only talk if needed, and that too very awkwardly. Otherwise he maintained a respectful distance and focused on his studies too. I knew because I noticed him wear his reading glasses and pull out a bunch of extra textbooks which he wouldn't bring to the study earlier.

All the focus on something different had truly been refreshing. I realised I'd needed this break. I mean, studying wasn't exactly a break, but it was a respite from the endless drama and confusion that was Archer. And it seemed to help me clear my mind and be a little more at peace.

My brain seemed to take precedence over my heart during these days, and it was honestly not that bad. At least, I had the luxury of switching off my feelings.

Sort of.

One night, I was working in my study, when I noticed Archer didn't arrive on time. He was sometimes a bit late, but not this late.

I frowned. He hadn't skipped on a single day at the study, not even on his birthday. So why would he skip now?

Minutes and hours went by, and he still did not come. After two hours, I understood he wasn't going to show up. Confusion started building up in my chest. He wasn't one to leave me alone in the study like this without a warning. Then what happened?

I went outside to check. He wasn't in the corridors or hallway. I went to our common room and he wasn't there either. None of his friends was present so I couldn't even ask them.

I returned to the study, extremely confused and somewhat worried. Where could he have gone without a warning?

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. That ought to be him.

I got up and opened the door, to reveal Headmaster Richards.

Stunned, I could only say, "Sir?"

Mr Richards' face looked ashen. Something was up. I didn't have a good feeling about it.

"Vivian, I'm sorry for intruding like this but you must've noticed how Archer is absent today."

I scrunched my brows. My heart was beating unnaturally fast with trepidation. "Yes sir, he hasn't shown up. Is--is anything the matter?"

Mr Richards nodded gravely. "Unfortunately, yes. During the last lesson today, Archer got a message from his father saying that his mother was in a car accident this afternoon. And her condition is critical. So he rushed to the hospital immediately."

I stopped hearing him after 'car accident'. I was completely frozen in place, not a word escaping my lips.

No, no, no, no, no. This couldn't be happening. No. Just no.

"Oh my god," I whispered continuously. "Oh my god."

Mr Richards looked at me sympathetically. "I know you are close to his parents. Since tomorrow the weekend starts, you can go down to the hospital to meet Archer and his family, if you want."

I nodded almost immediately. "Of course I will, of course Sir."

There was no doubt about it. I had to go down to the hospital. I asked Mr Richards for the name of the hospital. It was St Mary's.

I was dying to go right now. I couldn't wait a second more. Oh god, why? Why?! Why did it have to happen to her?! Mrs Woods was like my own mother, and hearing this meant only one thing.

I had to reach her, and Archer, as soon as possible.

a/n: whoops...i have nothing else to say.

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