A Golden Melody(Part 1)

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So here's going to be my first OC and I want to see how long it's gonna take you all on which character this OC is related to!!!

Donella's POV

After the whole trip from Egypt me and Della became more involved with Uncle Scrooge but I was more interested in the culture and the stories while my twin wanted part in the dangerous adventure

As I was playing some simple songs based on old nursery rhymes like mom taught me I couldn't help but relax as I lost myself into the music of my violin as I heard a small applause

"Good show young Miss I believe that you could go pro in the music world" said Duckworth as Della started babbling compliments as Uncle Scrooge patted my mindful of my hat

"Aye, perhaps you'll be interested in competing in the amateur music competition that's currently in Duckberg?" He asked as I felt myself freeze up

Even though I'm now more comfortable in playing in front of my Uncle and his butler how am I supposed to in front of an audience of strangers?

"Hey Donel you need to get over your stage fright! And this is the best opportunity to do this! But you don't have to do it if you're scared" said Della as I knew she was baiting but she was right

"I'll do it" I said in defeat as I knew I wasn't gonna get out of this situation

"Excellent Young Miss, I'll be there to help you in anyway I can" said Duckworth making me smile

"Thanks... I'm gonna need all the help I can get" I told him nervously

Time Skip

"...So all I need to do is play one song for 3 judges and that's it?" I asked Uncle Scrooge as Duckworth is fixing a royal blue bow in hair

I wore a sleeveless knee-length Royal blue dress with a short sleeve white jacket and I held the violin case in my hands as I eyed the judges but cringe at the horrible screeching sound of that kids violin as he ran off the stage crying

"You can so do better than that kid we all believe in you sis!" Said my Twin her words full of encouragement as I nodded and decided to get this over with

Once I made it to center stage and looked the judges in the eye as I adjusted my violin right under my chin relaxed my shoulders and took a deep breath as I positioned my bow

'Being relaxed and focusing on the music will always get you through the most stressful situations...like mom always says' I thought as I started play playing Canon in D Major

It wasn't too difficult of a piece but it was something that will definitely appease the judges as I just let myself get lost as I felt all my worries wash away

When I hit the final note as I slowly opened my eyes as I saw all the judges staring at me in shock or was it in awe as I quickly adjust my instrument holding it like a mini guitar as I did a small and quick bow as I held my head down

'Was it good enough? Did they think I was terrible? Did I mess up somewhere in the piece?' I couldn't help but think as I felt myself started sweating as I couldn't take the suspense any longer

But then there was clapping as I looked up to see all the judges all clapping smiled of approval on their facing as I couldn't help but feel relieve that I didn't do terrible

"Miss. Duck you have given us the most splendid performance all day you have definitely passed" said the cat judge as she started writing down on her clip board as I gave a big smile saying thank you and gave another bow as I went backstage

"You did it Donel! You blew away all the competition!" Shouted Della as she started making sound affects and wild gestures with arms showing how over excitedly proud she was of me

As Uncle Scrooge just looked very smug "Well it seems yer got some of the musical talents of the family perhaps we can do a duo if I ca find me bagpipes" he said as I gave a nervous chuckle

'I'm not sure if I want that to happen I like music but I'm not sure if everyone is going to enjoy bagpipes' I couldn't help but think

But I didn't notice a pair of emerald green eyes giving looking at me in interest as the figure chuckled

"It seems I've found my diamond in the rough, things seemed to have gotten more interesting..."


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