Making a Point(Part 2)

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So clear up some things with what little information I gathered from Donald's and Della's childhood it's gonna take awhile for updates just to let you all know!!!

Donella's POV

"DELLA?! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT THING?!" I shouted as the shadow werewolf creature was chasing me as I held my violin close to my chest

"I don't know! What in the world does Uncle Scrooge keep in here?!" She shouted back as she got a long golden staff as she started smacking the creature's head

"Back! Back! Leave my sister alone!!!" She shouted smacking it on the head as I was trying to catch my breath

"This can't possibly get worse" I said under my breath but the a door was slammed open to reveal Uncle Scrooge as I he looked to be in shock

"What in the world are you doing here?!" He shouted as the creature knocked out the only weapon Della had out of her grasp 

"Ah, phooey" the two of us said in unison as we made a run for it as Scrooge decided to step in using his cane the fight the creature

"What is that thing?!" Shouted Della as we were at a safe distance watching the fight

'I sometimes forget that our busy and grumpy uncle was the world's greatest adventurer' I mused one thought as I was still pretty shooken up from the almost getting eaten

"It's a mystical demonic werewolf that I sealed into a moonstone inside a box! It's was such a pain fighting it the last time!" He shouted as he dodged the claws as it was dripping in purple acid

"What was that?!" I shouted as Scrooge gave me a look of shock

"You finally spoke!" He said in something akin to joy as I wasn't impressed at his priorities right now

"Massive magical creature trying kill us!" I shouted as I started waving my hand as I knocked something over as it was a golden music box

Then a ghost that looked to be a cross of a Pirate and a soldier as it had a big sword over its head as I stared at it in disbelief

"Oh come on!" I couldn't help but shout at another problem to deal with

"Donella did your luck just got 10x worse?!" My twin couldn't help but ask me as I just shrug my shoulders as I was so done with all these problems as the ghost decided to team up with the creature

"Girls just don't touch anything while I take care of these fellas!" Shouted Uncle Scrooge angrily as he gave us a warning glare

"But you're outnumbered!" Shouted Della as I couldn't help but agree with her

"Well I beat these once and I can do it again!" He said smirking as he jumped onto the werewolf's neck putting his cane into the jaws of the monster as he lead it towards the ghost

"You think he got this handled?" I couldn't help but ask Della as she seemed amazed

But then the ghost disappears then reappears above Uncle Scrooge knocking him into a nearby wall as the werewolf turned his attention back to us

"Kin of Scrooge!!!!!!" It said as the two of looked at it in shock

"That thing can talk?!" I shouted as Della grabbed a sword from a bin

"Well we better lend a hand! Ahhhhhh!" She shouted charging straight for the werewolf with a sword at hand as I couldn't help but stare at my sister in shock as I held my violin case very tightly

I didn't notice Uncle Scrooge was already up on his feet trying to get rid of the ghost and telling Della to get away from danger

"Della look out!" I shouted in fear as the sword was knocked out of her hand


She was thrown against the wall as I felt myself freeze up as I stared at my sister's body on the ground


"Get out the way Lassie!!!!" shouted Uncle Scrooge but I couldn't here him as I kept having flashbacks of my parents funeral


I dropped my violin case as I clenched my hands and glared at the werewolf that hurt my twin

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I jumped the werewolf with strength and speed I never knew I possessed as I started pumbling the monster

"YOU BIG STUPID PALOOKA?!?! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY FAMILY!!!!" I screamed in pure fury I bit him with my teeth as I drew blood

As the werewolf was knocked out whimpering in pain but I was far to angry to give it mercy as I jumped up down on his back stomping on it as I kept throwing threats and insults

"Wow I never seen Donella get angry like this! It's kinda's just like mom's temper" said my Twin in a proud tone as I continued punching the monster as Uncle Scrooge had to peel me of it

"I think it has been punished enough Lassie! Calm down! Calm down!" He shouted trying to hold me back

"Let me at it! Let me at it!" I shouted wanting to beat it up again

That's how we ended up bonding with Uncle Scrooge by releasing two monsters and me showing that I indeed had the McDuck's famous temper as my family was trying to calm me down

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