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(This is the basic profile and sorry for any spoilers!!!!! Also due to lack of a proper timeline and things constantly changing so sorry for that too!!!!!!)

Name: Donella Fiona Duck(Full name)

Aliases: •Donella Duck(Prefers to be called)
•Lassie(By Uncle Scrooge)

Gender: Female

Birthday: June 9th

Home: Duckburg

Relatives: •Hortense McDuck-Duck(Mother/deceased)
•Quackmore Duck(Father/Deceased)
•Della Duck(Twin sister/Active)
•Scrooge McDuck(Uncle/Active)
•Matilda McDuck(Aunt/Unknown)
•Gideon McDuck(Uncle/Unknown)
•Ludwig Von Drake(Uncle/Active)
•Gladstone Gander(Cousin/Active)
•Fethery Duck(Cousin/Active)
•Downy McDuck(Grandmother/Immortal)
•Fergus McDuck(Grandfather/Immortal)
•Clinton Coot(Great-Grandfathr/Active[currently])
•Don Dugo(Ancestor/Deceased)

Paraphernalia: Violin(Gift by Uncle Scrooge after her original destroyer by a Windigo)

Occupation: •Violinist(Since Early Childhood)
•Navy Sailor(Dream/goal)

Allies: •Her family(Most of them)
•Della Duck
•Scrooge McDuck
•Fethery Duck(Cousin)
•Cousin Gladstone(Loosely)

Enemies: •Gilby O'Gilt(Ex/Rival)
•Beagle Family
•Magical De Spell
•Baron Von Shellgoose(Future enemy)

Likes: Classical music(Mostly violin), sailing, good food, enjoying wonderful places, relaxation, hot chocolate and reading

Dislikes: Constant never ending adventures, Someone threatening her family, those she doesn't allow to touch her violin and her family's stubbornness which leads to bitter arguments or grudges

Appearance: she is small white duck with very short feathery white hair that is slightly curled as she wears a dark navy blue sweater, brown skirt and a sailor hat as she is always seen with her trusty violin case

At times she will change her outfit if the adventure demands it as well wearing formal wear when she goes to concerts or to rich galas with her Uncle Scrooge

Personality: She is painfully shy and quite due to the unfortunate events of her parents death causing her to stop talking to anyone but her Twin sister Della for two months

She has a nasty case of stage fright as she learns to overcome from her sister's insistence as became more self-confident but she crosses the line of singing in public

But it turns out she has a very explosive and uncontrollable temper when someone threatens her family or touches her violin without permission as there is no stopping her until she runs out of steam

So in short she is kind, somewhat courageous, stubborn and shy duckling who doesn't backed down when her family or friends are in trouble

She also creating the family motto of "Duck's Don't Back Down!"

History: Donella Duck was born to both Hortense McDuck-Duck and Quackmore Duck with her twin sister Della as the two of them lived a simple life in Chicago but in a terrible accident both of her parents died when she was 8 years old

After the funeral she and her sister were taken into custody of the richest and most daring adventurer in the world Scrooge McDuck but Donella stopped talking to anyone but Della for nearly a month as she was painfully shy towards her Uncle

After her sister dragged her to prove to their uncle that they deserve to be apart of the thrill of the adventure which at the end of result of igniting her temper that McDuck clan is known for as well finally speaking towards others again

Her father was a navy man as he often told stories to her about his life at sea and his life as a sailor as she wanted to go to sea as well treasuring the sailor hat that he gave her as well as a violin her mother gave her for her seventh birthday giving her a great love for classical music

Trivia: •Her luck is more unpredictable and bizarre than unfortunate like her male counterpart

•She can't stand childish behavior of full grown adults throwing tantrums when things don't go their way(Shown towards her distaste towards some of Scrooge's Rivals)

•She wants to have a peaceful and relaxing vacation instead of a life or death adventure with her Twin every time they leave Duckburg

•She can't stand flying while her sister can't stand sailing as she has the tendency of air sickness on bumpy flights

•She was a part of the Chickadee's scouts but has less badges than Della when it came to survival

•The Chickadee's are the female counterparts of the Woodchucks

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