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So from what information I could gather from Donella's Childhood she grew up in Chicago for her early childhood with her twin sister Della!!! Also we're Skiping towards her parents funeral since there isn't much information about them!!!

Donella's POV

As it was a rainy and gloomy day in Chicago there were many people in the cemetery as two young ducklings were in front of two newly buried graves as one held the black umbrella and comforting each other for their loss

They were white little ducklings as one had short pure feathery white hair that is slightly curled as the other duckling hair was reaches right above her shoulders as it was straight as the two of them wore black dresses for the funeral while the short haired one held a violin case close to her

"Donella and Della Duck?" Asked a voice as the two us turned around to see two men

One was dressed in an old fashioned butler uniform as he had a very neutral expression while the other was an older duck

He wore a dark blue suit, a back top hat, pince-new spectacles, spats and cane as me and my sister knew who he was at first glance

Who wouldn't know the richest duck and most daring adventurer in the world?

"I'm sorrey for ye loss lassies...I'm your Uncle Scrooge and this my butler Duckworth" he introduced himself and his Butler as Della starting to ask a million questions as I held my violin case close

'Mom, Dad what are you thinking right now?' Was the last thought I had as Duckworth got our luggage and packed in the trunk of the limousine as my sister practically dragged me in

Time Skip

"That's the biggest mansion I've ever seen" said Della in awe as I couldn't help but feel amaze as well as I had my beak wide open in shock

"Now then Lassies Duckworth shall show you to your room" explained Uncle Scrooge as his eyes landed on me as I stared back

"Uh... Donella are you perhaps mute? Or sick?" He asked very awkwardly as I just looked away as my sister butted in

"She stopped talking to anyone after the accident" she tried to explain as she just made everything more awkward as I grabbed my violin case and fallowed Duckworth

"This shall be your room once you settle in you can explore the mansion but you can not go to the garage or Scrooge McDuck's room without adult supervision" he said as he left as we looked around the room

The room was very spacious as there was two beds, two desks and two dressers as well a book case full of books and other nicknacks

"Call this bed!!!!!!" shouted Della as she did nose dive into the bed on the right as I put my luggage on the other one as I watch my sister as she picked herself up and gave me a look

"Donella you need to talk to Uncle Scrooge or someone other than me you can't just become a mute for the rest your life" she told quite bluntly not bearing around the bush

"It's just hard and the other kids always made fun of my voice" I said quietly as she looked frustrated at my response

Back in Chicago I was always quite as the other kids always made fun of my voice cause it's raspy and when I speak too fast no one can understand a word I said which made me have less confidence and a big reason why I only played my violin in front of my sister and my...parents

"We don't live in Chicago anymore far away from those bullies but if anyone makes fun of just because your different then they have to a serious talk with DELLA DUCK!!!!" She declares pointing her finger towards the heavens  as I laughed at her declaration

"Want me to play something?" I asked her as I started tuning my violin as she gave me a nod As I stood up put the violin under my chin as I picked the bow up

As I took a deep breath 'I need to get more confident' I couldn't help but think as I started playing as I imagined I was playing in front of my parents next to the warm fire on a winter's night

I didn't notice an old duck that was standing in the door way as he gave small yet sad smile in my direction

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