Blue Scarab(Part 2)

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So here's the next part also if you want any future adventures to happen leave a suggestion!!! But it cannot be anything related to the Ducktales(2017) adventures!!!

Donella's POV

"So what should we do now?" I couldn't help but ask as me and my sister were left on our own as I held the camera that Duckworth gave me

Uncle Scrooge each gave us pocket money of the proper currency to shop at the bazaar while he gathers information on where to find "The Temple of the Scarab"

"Well there's a lot of cool stuff we should get some souvenirs!" She told me as she dragged me along to look at all the shops that lined up across the streets

They sold all sorts of things from food, jewelry, shiny trinkets, exotic animals, cages, odd things and so much more that it made my head spin

While my sister was looking at some strange things of adventure equipment and weapons a stand full of books caught my eye as I went over to look around

There were many books ranging from many titles but I only seem to have enough money for one thing as I saw a new book with a dark brown leather cover and latch as I opened it to find it completely blank

"Ah it seems you got a good eye of yer looking for a journal" said the shop Pawnee as he wore lots of robes covering him from head to toe and his face was covered as well

"It's in very good condition" I said to him as something about the journal seemed to draw me in

"It can be yours, you can use it to write things down or perhaps notes on adventures" he suggested as I felt myself smile at his words

"I'll take it" I said as I pulled out the pocket money Uncle Scrooge gave me "Is this enough?" I asked as I held out my money

"That should do!" He said taking my money and giving me a paper bag as he put the journal in it and gave it to me

"Hey Donella look at this neat dagger I got!" Shouted  Della as she started waving the blade in the air as I put myself at a safe distance from my twin

"That great Della! How did you convince someone to sell that to you?" I couldn't help but ask nervously

But Uncle Scrooge came at the very moment as he told us he got a couple of camels and a very accurate map to the treasure and adventure we were looking for

I never did learn how my sister got her hands on a dagger

Time Skip

"It's so hooooottttttt!!!! Why couldn't this temple be in the ocean?" I couldn't help but ask as I was draped on the camels back with my sister next to me as she didn't seem faze by the heat

"Maybe the next treasure will be on a tropical island but for now we just need to get through thy desert" said Uncle Scrooge as I couldn't help but groan in annoyance

"Oooohhhh! I can't wait to have a chance to put my new dagger to use!" Shouted Della in excitement as she held said dagger up toward the heavens

"I still have no idea how you got that" I said as I was swaying in the motion of the moving camel as we were still in the blazing sun

'Think cold thoughts, Donella...think cold thoughts' I couldn't help but think as I thought of ice cream, swimming in the ocean or Uncle Scrooge's disapproving stare

"Now I suddenly feel cooler" I said in surprise as I couldn't believe imagining Uncle Scrooge's disapproving stare actually worked in keeping me cool

"We're here" said Uncle Scrooge as I slowly looked up at the towering temple with a slack jaw as Della shrieked in pure joy

"Well we better leave the camels behind and stay close Lassies we have no idea what sort of dangers are in this temple" said Uncle Scrooge in the most serious tone I heard as I tied the camels to a nearby rock

"Well Della already ran in after you said danger" I told him pointed towards the already entrance as he groaned in frustration

"Well we better go find your sister before she gets herself killed" he said as I just used the camera to take a quick picture of the temple as Scrooge poses in front of it then we entered to find my missing twin

But we didn't noticed someone else fallowing us as the camels disappears without a trace



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