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tony doesn't stop fighting

tony doesn't stop fighting

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tony stark pov (cuz y not?)

2-3 weeks after tony's kidnapping

afghan cave

"good roll," yinsen praised his fellow hostage. 

"y'know, you still didn't tell me where you're from." tony stark looked to him. 

"i am from a small town, called gulmira," he told the man rolling the dice, "it's actually a nice place."

tony looked down, before asking him, "got a family?" 

"yes," yinsen told him. "and i will see them when i leave here. and you, stark?"

tony stark looked away from him as his thoughts drifted towards the baby in the floating cradle.

of course, she wasn't a baby anymore.

(14 1/2 years ago)

"mr. stark, there appears to be something for you at the door." the newly installed a.i. told his owner.

tony furrowed his brows, before shrugging, "alright, send it in."

"i can't sir. you need to receive it yourself."

now, the young billionaire was definitely confused. what could it be?  he wiped his hands on an oilcloth, and left his workshop. 

making his way upstairs, he was confused as to why J.A.R.V.I.S. wouldn't send it in, and why he had to check it out himself. he wasn't sure if he was more curious or annoyed.

opening the door, tony stark was absolutely bewildered as to why there was a floating white cradle on his doorstep. the fact that it was on his porch was so confusing, he only realized the cradle was floating afterwards.

he looked around wondering if it was delivered to a wrong address, but he saw no one. furrowing his brows, he looked back at the cradle, and felt this indescribable pull towards it. 

𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 - p.jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now