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Hello before we start I wanna explain some stuff cause this does get confusing (I even had trouble trying to explain and got  confuse (ik I'm the creator sue me, but don't actually) 

So each Creepy pasta has at  most 5 different looks or how I call it shapes 

For example Jane the killer who is the main character has 5 shapes you can also say these are different stages of their lives

1- Jane's original past self in other words her human past self (the original in my story not the actual Original story) unchangeable shape(explained in description) all of the shapes are connected to her in some type of way 

Every creepy pasta has one they appear frequently to the pasta in a time of need, distress, when they are feeling a lot of emotions in general. They can also appear in  dreams with other shapes and communicate with the other shapes. They can also be given names by their present self so past janes self is Pasa short for Pasado which means past in Spanish I'll explain that later. She can not turn into this shape cuz we'll this shape is a ghost. I know how can she be a ghost if she's alive well readers let me explain. You see in order to become a creepy pasta you must die twice I know weird right. The first time you die is when you lose your sanity or have experienced something traumatic or life changing that has caused you to become your second shape. Wait creator but that doesn't mean they died tho, CORRECTION they did, they inside that exact moment they lost their mind so I guess you can say it's metaphorical and it's true they haven't died completely,  they just lost the life they had before. And this is were it gets even more confusing you see their PS or past self is also part of the second shape ill explain that a little but more in the second shape  Description. The reason why they can't turn back into their past self is because well there is no turning back you can't go back to what you were even if you really wanted to. I know it's sad but it's true. PS's can also show up as like ghost but only appear to their present self and other PS's, like Jeff's PS. So let's say Jane is about to kill someone and all the sudden poof Pasa says don't do it, only Jane can hear that and other PS's. Don't confuse this with a human ghost no this is something different only creepy pastas have these. Well I guess you can say it's like a human ghost but not. This shape represent her past life if you couldn't tell. 

Since this shape is kind of a ghost it can  possess them when they're feeling great emotion regarding their past and do or say things with out think

2- The start shape, this shape is the shape I was talking or writing about in the PS description to shorten it I'm gonna call it the TS i know I'm so creative right.the ñame Jane gave for this stage is sola which means alone or lonely in Spanish. Can appear in  dreams only 

This is a changeable shape but Not all creepy pastas have this shape like laughing jack he only has 4 which are the other shapes  

Jane does have this shape. This shape also is a part of the PS. You see this shape is also part of the savage shape which is part of shape 4 again I'll explain later. This shape still has humanity but still wants/needs to kill. Since Jane is  my example it'll be easier to explain.  Jane wants to kill Jeff cause of course he killed her family and shit but (this is where the PS comes in) she stills feel guilt and regret for hurting others in the process and can't quite get over her past with Jeff. I'm not spoiling anything else. She does kill people in this shape but when she turns into this shape which she can, because she is emotionally unstable but still is able to kill and hurt others and she can only turn into this shape after the savage shape. The reason we'll anything that reminds her of her past such as objects while she is in the savage stage can trigger her and other creepy pastas to turn into this stage. But also she has the choice to  turn herself into this stage whenever she wants to. Other creepy pastas can see it but not humans and of course other shapes. Now I know what your thinking what about when I said that they had to die 2 times in order to be a creepy pasta well folks this is the physical shape that dies in order to become one. You see when someone is about to or is close to death one of the slender brothers or zalgo is there. Why we'll they are their to ask do you wish to come with me  and if you chose to come with them, well they kill you. Wtf I know but this is part of the process cause if you chose not to well they leave you to die and then you go to the afterlife or something or you surprisingly live somehow. And thus this is the old creepy pasta / the remaining human part of the creepy pasta is dead. And in the humans world eyes well you dead nothing else. For CP's like laughing jack their lucky and get a free pass from that why we'll they're not actually humans  Duh. Continuing you are then brought to the next shape which is the creepy pasta form that everyone uses or their default shape. But back to the TS shape you see their not like the PS shape they aren't like ghost but they do show up in dreams and know what's going on since they are part of the PS so there's no need to fill them in on what's the tea. Jane TS is also a little bit different but the same as hoodie and other creepy pastas I won't mention cause I'm lazy. When Jane turns into this form she has the mask that Jeff gave her and underneath the mask is the result of Jeff beauty project, again goes into what I said on how the TS and the PS are together/related and a part of each other. This stage of course represent the beginning of Jane the killer where there is some humanity left but not enough to stop her killing.

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